Images included in a public board are not being displayed correctly

Antonio Sánchez February 25, 2025

The images are hosted on Trello and are no longer publicly accessible, even though the board is public.

For example:


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Erick Doerre
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 27, 2025

Hi Antonio, welcome to the community!

To help us better understand, could you please provide us with a bit more information?

  • How are these images being attached to the card description? Are they uploaded directly from your device, linked from a URL, or sourced from another platform?
  • Could you share the type and size of the images you are trying to attach? Please note that Free Workspaces have a limit of 10MB per attachment.
  • If you download an image to your computer and then upload it again to the card, does the preview still remain unavailable?
  • When did you first notice that the image previews stopped working? Was there any recent change or update made to the board or card?

Also - have you removed the attachments from the 'Attachments' section by any chance? Deleting them from there could cause the preview in the card description to break.

Let me know your thoughts!

Antonio Sánchez February 28, 2025

The images are attached to the description using markdown in the following way, here's an example:


As you can see, they are hosted on Trello.
This board has been public for a long time, about 6 years, and it hasn't been updated during all this time. A visitor of the board informed me last week that the images were no longer available.
I can only see the images if I log in as the board owner; even invited users cannot see the images.
If I download the images and re-upload them, the issue is resolved, but there are so many that I would like to know if there is another way to avoid wasting time fixing all the cards.

Gaurav Kataria
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2025

This is expected behavior as Trello attachments are only accessible to authenticated users. (this change went into effect a few years ago)

In the example you've shared above, there is a link to a card attachment (from a different board). Only users that have access to that linked board can see the image. 

Antonio Sánchez March 3, 2025

It is a public board. Everyone should have access to it. However, no—if people identified in Trello or even new members invited to the board cannot see the images, only me as the administrator can view them. This is not normal behavior at all.

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