I can't view cards from multiple boards in a grid, not in a list

Lorena Torres
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November 13, 2023

I want to see my cards in grid form and not as a list, but I can't remove the filters to do that.

13 answers

5 votes
Erika Storli
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 15, 2023

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for providing all this feedback. I've shared your comments back with our Trello Product team and they're reviewing them along with feedback received recently through Trello Support. If you have additional feedback or concerns, please submit a Trello Support ticket. Appreciate your patience and understanding as the team reviews and discusses next steps!

Ailsa Watson
November 16, 2023

Hi Erika, should we assume that the product team can see this thread? I wasn't going to submit a support ticket if they're already aware. Or does it help if they receive multiple support tickets? Thanks

James Witmer November 16, 2023

There shouldn't be anything to discuss. This was a terrible idea, badly executed. Just put. it. back.

Erika Storli
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 16, 2023

Hey @Ailsa Watson so I've shared this Community thread with our engineers, but they are also actively reviewing feedback in Support tickets as it helps them to better organize/sort out the volume of user feedback! Totally up to you if you have more specific feedback or screenshots you'd like to share.

Also, I've been updated that they've now implemented an "opt out" option for "New Cards page" in http://trello.com/u/me/labs while they continue to review feedback and discuss next steps on this project. Thanks again for your patience!

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Kerry Hanson
November 16, 2023

@Erika Storli Thank you for the link to a temporary fix!! Hopefully it can be a permanent fix haha! 

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November 16, 2023

@Erika Storli Thank you for this temporary solution. Please forward the feedback that at list in itself is nothing wrong. But the developers need to make sure no functionalities are lost or hidden based on which layout you choose. AND, make it a choice for the user.

Ailsa Watson
November 27, 2023

@Erika Storli thanks so much for sharing the option to opt out. I'm genuinely puzzled as to how people use Trello if they don't use this view as a task list. Maybe I've been missing the point for 10 years?! Cheers

Ailsa Watson
January 11, 2024

Uh oh, it seems to have reverted back to a list option and no card view again. I'm on the verge of buying a corporate account for the organisation that I work with but this may be a deal breaker. How can we request a card view?

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January 11, 2024

Same here. I can no longer view my cards as cards, only as a list. Even though the setting under /labs is checked.

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Ailsa Watson
January 11, 2024

Hi @Erika Storli I thought I'd flag you directly as you were able to advise the last time. The issue has arisen again. Many thanks

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Ryan Burns January 11, 2024

@Erika Storli  I'm having the same issue.  The Opt-out feature doesn't work checked on or off.

Can I just say the the old card view is not just a convenience, but it's quite critical on how my team establishes tasks for the day, adjust deadlines, etc at a glance. 

If the Opt-out toggle was a functional/permanent fixture, this would be ideal to please all users. Please consider making this view an option based on the user's preference.

There's no doubt in my mind this change has made some users workflow much easier - and I know change can be a great thing - but I'm struggling to see the logic behind this change.

I appreciate you taking the time to address feedback/comments here. I will create a support ticket as well.

chinobelmar January 15, 2024

I'm also cannot see the card in the way I used to work with. I don't know why this preference is not an option for the user to change. I hope that all the team can reconsider this desition, because the only way that I can organize my day it's with the old way of cards, and I don't wanna leave Trello only for this way to look the cards. Thanks you so much.

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4 votes
November 13, 2023

Same here. Some update has changed the cards on my profile from showing as cards to a list. Nothing wrong with a list. But don't remove the option to view them as cards as well. Make it an option please!

November 14, 2023

The new list is also automatically sorted by board. In my workflow I always sort on date wich gives me todays deadlines on top. But with this new update, the sort function always resets to board on every reload of the page. This was not the case before the update.

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November 14, 2023

Another negative with the new list-view is that I no longer can see the notification indicator. Before the update there was a visual notification on each card that showed that there were something new. It was great to quickly get in to a card that someone had posted something in or was updated. This is completely missing from the new list view and makes it harder to quickly see which cards that has a notification.

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3 votes
Kerry Hanson
November 15, 2023

It's affecting Safari as well.

I ended up creating a service ticket for this and letting them know how much it's impacting my day to day operations. The list does not show all my tasks, even overdue ones. If I filter to show Overdue cards it tells me nothing is overdue and I know that's not true. I'm now manually going through 20+ boards each day to check and make sure I'm not missing any items that are due. 

James Witmer November 16, 2023

Thanks for doing that. I created a service ticket, but haven't gotten a non-automated response yet. 

Meanwhile, I've had team members already suggesting they just email tasks to each other because cards are too difficult to find. We're in retail, and this is a terrible, terrible time for these shenanigans. I'm furious!

Kerry Hanson
November 16, 2023

When I created the service ticket, I linked to this discussion thread to let them know it wasn’t just me. The employee that responded to my service request is different than the employee that responded here on this  thread so I’m hoping that means the issue is getting more visibility!! 

Agreed - terrible time for this to happen!!

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3 votes
Ailsa Watson
November 14, 2023

Yes, I'd appreciate being able to see them in the old grid format. I bookmarked my Cards view (by due date and showing all cards) as my main view whenever checking my overall task list. The new card list doesn't show the whole card title, or labels, and I can't change the dates or add any info without going into the actual card. The old view was much better and faster to use. Thanks

Ailsa Watson
November 14, 2023

Urgh, I've been trying to use it all day and it's not great. I don't understand what people use Trello for if it's not about seeing your tasks and deadlines on one page? If the old view can't be resurrected then this will probably be the death knell for me. Adios trello after 10 good years. 

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2 votes
chinobelmar November 15, 2023

<- use me as "I want the old version back" button

2 votes
I'm New Here
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November 15, 2023

+1 for adding an option switch between list and grid view. Thanks.

2 votes
Brittany Joiner
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November 14, 2023

Hey there, im not sure what you're talking about... i am not seeing any new list views. Can you show a screenshot of what you mean?

November 14, 2023

Seems like some of my coworkers are getting the new list and some still sees the cards. 

We are talking about this page:
(change yourusername)

You can see an example in the attached image 


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Vera November 14, 2023

Here also the same view, and problem.... half of my coworkers have the grid view and half this 'new' view. Hope they will bring the grid back anytime soon!

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Brittany Joiner
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November 15, 2023

Ah okay. Yeah I admittedly haven't used that section in a while so i forgot what it looked like before but i see from the screenshots. This must be something they're testing.

2 votes
Kyle Burns
November 14, 2023

same here with myself and work colleagues . we'd like the option for card view for 'my cards'

1 vote
chinobelmar November 15, 2023

aaaghhh, please bring back the old cards style... the only reason why i'm here it's the way I can organize my personal events... in the mobile version is good, but here is awful clicking one by one to remember wich board is the card... I have already one year here and I don't wanna go too soon

0 votes
Vera January 21, 2024

I Hope they will add the right mouse click system back, that had anything in it, to change the title, and change members and so on. now if you want to change something in your large to-do list you have to go to each board and manage there the card it self.... 

0 votes
Ryan Burns January 16, 2024

Just wondering if anyone has found a solution since this issue has yet to be addressed by the developers.

0 votes
James Witmer November 16, 2023

Yes, this is outrageous. The list view removes the utility of both Labels and Card Covers, which out team uses heavily. It also refuses to save the sort preference! So now I have to re-sort the page every time I view it in order to see cards by due date. 

It makes navigation so much harder. I can't believe they thought this was a good idea. 

0 votes
Ailsa Watson
November 15, 2023

I've tested the same URL in Edge and Chrome browers. The new issue is with Chrome, please see below.

Chrome - no grid and different options than the usual:

Screenshot 2023-11-15 144021.png



Edge - good old grid version (but I'm not willing to use that browser):

Screenshot 2023-11-15 144034.png



Ryan Burns November 15, 2023

Hmmm... I'm using Firefox and the grid switched to list view yesterday, so It's possible that it's still on the developers at this point, especially since multiple browsers are seeing this change the same way.  But great investigative work, I should have thought to check that too.

Lorena Torres
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 15, 2023

I also tried using the app, it worked for a couple of hours, but then it switched to the list view... :(

Ailsa Watson
November 16, 2023

Today, it's no longer offering the card view in the Edge browser. 

Ryan Burns November 21, 2023

A team member of mine was informed (by Atlassian support) that even though they put the Card View back into place, that this is only temporary.  Seems that the Card View may disappear by January.  Atlassian support wrote....

"Just bear in mind that, the team is currently working on removing the possibility of opting out of the new "Cards" page before January. In the meantime, as I mentioned, we'll continue collecting our users' feedback and working on new improvements based on them. I appreciate your understanding..."

If Card View is critical to your workflow like it is to my team, I would encourage you to PLEASE create an official support ticket to express your concerns and what features you rely on while using the Card View. Although the Community is a great place to get answers/support, this concern may be overlooked here.

Hopefully this will help the development team better understand our needs so that the next implementation is an upgrade and no so much a downgrade.  Thanks.

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Vera November 21, 2023

I also made a support ticket and they informed me that they are changing the view because of feedback of users, see below. 

"To give you some context, this new redesign change we released to Trello addressed a bug many of our customers were experiencing when accessing the "Cards" page on Trello. The new redesign has enabled us to fix a bug, enhance the performance of this page, and hopefully pave the way for the next step that will enable users to view all their relevant upcoming actions in one place.

I understand these types of changes can affect workflows, resulting in both navigation and accessibility problems. With that said, I've passed your feedback about the new redesign of the "Cards" page to our product and engineering team, and we'll continue collecting it to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions."


My reply for this was give suggestion how we use the grid and what I Would think is nice to see back. 


"Thanks for the new information, As I hear many user by the community are not happy with this change. My company and the use of the grid is very useful and no bugs at all. 
But if u continue to improve this list form, there are some functions that would really help if that comes back from the grid view, such as;
- Right click and have options to change the date, card name, change dates and change members to that card
- The overview of wich label is attached
- Pictures who are in the cover of the card. "

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