Can I share my Starred Boards list with others? If not - FEATURE REQUEST PLEASE

Tom Schiemer November 6, 2017

I use Trello everyday to organize my projects for the team. We have a meeting once a week through to review Trello starred boards on my account (through screen sharing) so everyone knows what I am building for them and in what oder.  This is great, but sometimes my boss does not get to join these meetings. So, what I do now is take a screen shot of the starred boards list after the meeting that shows the jobs in order with what is "To do", "In progress", "Being Reviewed", etc. and email it to him. He has a Trello account though and it would be a great feature (that maybe exists?) that allows an approved user to see your users Starred Boards and the order they are in, color, etc.  Basically change their header area to my user instead of theirs so they can review what I am doing anytime they want.

Is this possible?


4 answers

0 votes
Tom Schiemer November 15, 2017

Any response to either of these requests / questions?

0 votes
Tom Schiemer November 9, 2017

One more comment or Feature Request:  We add Due Dates onto every board or project. That Due Date usually sets the priority of a project based on Time.  Could you tell me by looking at My Starred Boards jpg file what my project Due Dates are based on the cards in the board?  No, you can't.  You have to open each board individually just to see the due dates.  Can we please have an option to share a "Master Due Date" for a project board on the otter tier of the Board list and in your Starred Boards?  If possible, the Due Date shown could be the next due date assigned inside each of the cards within the Board.  So if one card is marked done, the date changes to the next card on the otter board review.  

To solve this for us, we have started adding the master Due Date into the name of the board, but usually that is just the date of the event and there are numerous jobs due for each event, so this really does not help at all with project organization based on due date.

Thanks for your time and review.  I really just want to keep making Trello better and I believe these two items would be a huge help for all.

0 votes
Tom Schiemer November 9, 2017

Thanks for the response, but we already have multiple teams.  What the teams collection of boards do not do though is to allow the boards to be in a specific order per person.  The Starred boards allows this. It shows priority of projects though Boards for a team member. This can then be reviewed by a superior and if the order needs to change to get something else done ahead of other project (Boards), they can easily review and make that change.  

I am very surprised that with the power of Trello there is no way to really allow your team members to set an order of their projects and share that with other team members. I REALLY like Trello and have used it for years, but this one issue is very frustrating when trying to keep each member of our team on track with a long list of projects and no real way to see what each person is working on at any given time.  

With a feature like sharing starred boards that would be solved. Just allow a dropdown above your starred board list to select another team member.  The starred boards then rearrange into the list and priority of that member. You can then see exactly what projects they are on.  For instance... attached is my starred list for today.  We color coated our projects to Green (In Progress), Blue (To Do) and Purple (For Review by the team). The top left green board and the top row are my projects in order. If my boss wanted the Property Signage finished before changes to the website, he could see that this morning (without me sharing screens or sending a screen shot) and call or email to tell me... Or even better, with Admin access, be allowed to reorder my starred boards list before I get started in the morning:)

I know this is a feature request, but this could be one of the best and most useful features of Trello since it will allow for true team project review and management of project boards..  Please let me know you thoughts.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 8, 2017

Starred boards are personal settings and can not be shared right now. If you want to categorize and share them, you might want to create a team for those boards. At that point they could be easily reviewed by all team members:

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