I am looking for resources or help in preparing for the ACP-120 exam. I have taken the prep course, created flashcards, studied quite a bit-but I still failed the exam. I also have other certifications and have taken a lot of tests! I am a working JIRA Admin and have a good grasp of all of the overall functionalities of Jira Cloud. It was literally the hardest test I have ever taken-and the resources available, while helpful, did not prepare me for the super tricky test questions. Are there any study groups-or what are other folks doing?
What is the purpose of the supoort ticket you opened?
Best regards,
Julia-I didn't receive notice of a Support ticket. Where can I access it?
I would recommend to study in groups.
If you have any question, I can help you out.
Check this question: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Training-Certification-questions/Prepare-together-for-ACP-120/qaq-p/1965045. You will find useful answers and resources. Those resources helped me pass the ACP-120 exam.
I am preparing to take my exam as well. I hope that we both can pass this exam. I am not the best exam taker and believe me, I need that help too. My worry is being able to deciper the questions correctly and able to answer correctly.
Hi @jennifer.sewell You should take the prep course for ACP-120, it is very helpful
@jennifer.sewell , did you take all the recommended Skillbuilder courses as well? Also we suggest using the practice questions as a study resource -- all of the practice questions have explanations that are designed to help you gain and solidify additional knowledge.
Yes and yes. You can see in my initial post that I also created flashcards.
"I have taken the prep course, created flashcards, studied quite a bit-but I still failed the exam. I also have other certifications and have taken a lot of tests! I am a working JIRA Admin and have a good grasp of all of the overall functionalities of Jira Cloud. It was literally the hardest test I have ever taken-and the resources available, while helpful, did not prepare me for the super tricky test questions. Are there any study groups-or what are other folks doing?"