We have presented our on premise Gitlab instance through Azure AD Proxy. It requires the client to reuse the cookie generated by the Azure Proxy authentication, which can be configured with the git c...
Here is my situation and i can't find a clever solution. Two different users need to have two different submodules' configuration so i created two branches of the super Repo with two different .gi...
I could not pull and got following error. git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks fetch origin fatal: unable to access 'https://bitbucket.it.xxxxxx.com/xxx/xxxx...
Hi, We are using Perforce, and plan to transfer to Bitbucket. We have developed many tools based on Perforce. So when we transfer to Bitbucket, we hope the tools still work with Bitbucket. I found ...
Like others I have this Install problem with 3.3.8 Windows 7 Atlasian / Sourcetree do not seem interested - Pathetic. http://localhost:34106/?state=authenticated&code= ...
...etchRecentCommitsDays=0 FetchRecentRefsIncludeRemotes=true PruneOffsetDays=3 PruneVerifyRemoteAlways=false PruneRemoteName=origin LfsStorageDir=C:\Users\Axel\Desktop\TacGalac\.git\lfs AccessDownload=b...
Hi there. I'm just trying to install SourceTree on a fairly new W10 machine and it kinda works, but not as I'd expect. I grab the latest setup, run it, and at the end SourceTree is running. But to ...
The last few times I have updated Sourcetree the automatic refresh works great. It appears as soon as my PC reboots the auto refresh no longer works (the settings are still checked). This is extremel...
Hello, I am creating successfully a subtree to a remote repo and pull/push successfully. It appears under the "Stashed" tab on the left However, when I close and reopen the Sourcetree, the subtree ...
Hello, My configuration Sourcetree 4.0.1, Catalina. I have a repo with localization strings files from macOS app encoded in UTF-16LE. By default there are considered as binary. In order to displa...
Hi! I'm new to Sourcetree and to working with Git/Github. I'm in a little bit of a bind: I've created 3 separate branches and made 3 pull requests, one for each branch. The reviewer would li...
Hi! I'm new to Sourcetree (and GitHub, for that matter) and I'm in a bit of a pickle. I made 3 pull requests on 3 separate branches that I now need combined into one. Is that possible? And can I use...
I have tried to upgrade SourceTree on a windows 7 machine and it constantly hangs. I have disabled the firewall. I have completely removed all references to the install from the mac...
git -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.required=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks clone --branch release/2020r4 https://gitcn.netcracker.com/SD.Telus.Fal...
Hello, I have had a filed marked as ignore in my gitignore as below. solution/database/script.sql Now when I make some changes and commit them against that file as given, it is sho...
Hi, We have remote machine where many users are using to commit there code on same machine using source tree. Can we switch to different users while committing the code in Source Tree? I have added...
I have installed a new SourceTree software version (new computer...). When the problem occured I created a new Login and also followed the instructions in your help (clearing account settings in Sour...
I am migrating a locally hosted RHEL git server to new hardware and I had migrated the git repositories without problem, it seems., However, on say server1, the team would use git@server1:/opt/git/f...
I have followed the tutorials on how to do this *very* closely, *several* times, and still I cannot get a connection between sourcetree and bitbucket. I get this error everytime I try to clone ...
Is loading Sourcetree onto a VM allowed?
I have a public repo on Github and use Sourcetree for Mac as my client. I cannot push changes using OAuth authorization because GitHub does not recognize Sourcetree as an authorized app. &n...
SourceTree is showing resource files (.rc) Resource files are text files, e.g https://github.com/viniciusjarina/othello/blob/master/Othello.rc
Hi, Using SourceTree Enterprise (version 3.3.6 as 3.3.8 doesn't start at all) on Windows Server 2012, I cannot connect to my Azure git repository. I can authenticate with my account, but when I try ...
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