MSTeamsV2 Documentation - Specifically "alert [alert message] for [team1,team2,user1,..] - Create a

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January 6, 2022


Where is the documentation for the MSTeamsV2 Bot?

What is the Body Field order of the "Alert" cmd?  

alert [alert message] for [team1,team2,user1,..] - Create an alert with the message for the specified responders  <-- The output of "help" does not provide this.

Is it really limited just to [MSG] and specify a Owner Team/Responder ? 

How does one set the priority and description of the Alert generated?



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Wei Wung
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 6, 2022

Hi @daryl.mcavoy 

Thank you for reaching out!  The usage format of the MSTeamsV2 bot alert command is as you noted, although you would need to start the command with "@Opsgenie".  As you type the first few characters of the @Opsgenie bot name, click it or press Enter to select the bot then continue the rest of the command (per the command usage).

So to bring up the help or command usage:

@Opsgenie help

Here is an example of the create alert command:

@Opsgenie alert This is a test for WeiNOC, WeiTest

This would create an alert with the message "This is a test" with Responders WeiNOC and WeiTest.  You are right, the bot can only create an alert using the message and responders fields.  Unfortunately, the priority couldn't be set with the initial create alert command.

To set the alert priority, you would need to use the update priority command, for example:

@Opsgenie update priority to P2 for 40520

where 40520 is the tinyId of the alert. 

Unfortunately the bot doesn't have the ability to update description field.

Here is the output of the "@Opsgenie help" command for reference:

Here is a list of commands you can use:

  • ack [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - Acknowledge the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • unack [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - UnAcknowledge the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • snooze [tinyID1 tinyID2..] for [time amount] [m/h/d] - Snooze the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..] for the specified time
  • escalate [tinyID1 tinyID2..] for [escalation name] - Escalate the escalation with given name that is being processed on alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..] to next level
  • ackall/closeall - Acknowledge/Close all open alerts
  • addres [responder] to [tinyID tinyID2..] - Add [responder] the alerts with IDs [tinyID tinyID2..]
  • addtag [tag1,tag2,..] to [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - Add tags to the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • assign [tinyID1 tinyID2..] to [user] - Assign alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..] to [user]
  • own [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - Take ownership of the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • update priority to [P1,P2,P3,P4 or P5] for [tinyID] - Update priority of the alert with [tinyID].
  • close [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - Close the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • enable/disable [name] - Enable/Disable policy or integration with specified name. (for team policy: /genie enable [name] for [teamName])
  • exec [action] on [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - Execute the [action] on the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • get [tinyID] - Get details of the alert with ID [tinyID]
  • help - Lists available commands for Genie
  • list alerts/integrations/policies - List all open alerts/integrations/policies. Default is alerts.
  • list alerts of [teamName] - List all open alerts of specified team
  • list teams (starts with|contains) [query] - List user's teams according to an optional query
  • list policies for [teamName] - List all policies for specified team
  • note [note] to [tinyID1 tinyID2..] - Add [note] to the alerts with IDs [tinyID1 tinyID2..]
  • mute/unmute [Opsgenie username or 'me' for yourself] [minutes (optional for mute)] - Mutes/Unmutes notifications for the specified user. Mutes for 5 minutes if not given
  • whoisoncall [schedule (optional)] - Retrieve participants of [schedule]. Retrieves all participants of all schedules if [schedule] not given
  • alert [alert message] for [team1,team2,user1,..] - Create an alert with the message for the specified responders
  • oncall [me/user] [h/m/d] for [team/schedule/all] - Takes on-call for the specified amount of time for the team or schedule. Default amount of time is 1h
  • connect - Connect your Opsgenie account to your Microsoft Teams account
  • setup [apiKey] - Activate your Microsoft Teams integration

Hope the above helps.

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