Do you yearn to earn the September badge but didn't get a chance to attend Summit this year?
Worry not! Comment below with your favorite takeaways-from-far-away. Scour Twitter, watch recordings, talk to a friend...anything counts!
😂 😂 @Community Manager!
@Thomas Schlegel I wasn't, but I was certainly feeling the love!
I took one of the white ones ;) .. it was sooooo goood! :)
...and you appear again here my Columbus AUG follow up post. While I have my own pics of the doughnut wall, they are vastly inferior to this one of @Jack Brickey's.
I actually know of a company in Chicago that has a glass wall with everyone's portraits on it. It is both cool and odd to stare at :)
Well it was definitely hard for me to stop myself from thinking about all the fun people I know were having in Barcelona.
I tried to keep in touch via Stride with @[deleted] and @miikhy asking them about the event.
I was also delighted to learn from @Billy Poggi AUG NOVA_ DC that my name was brought twice during the Champions & AUG Leaders day. I know that for our next NOVA AUG our leaders will be sharing lot of information that we missed. The one news that I am very excited about and already have some meetings with Atlassian Team about is Jira Ops and OpsGenie
My favorite takeaways-from-far-away is Jira 8 with faster boards and project archiving, and Code Insights in Bitbucket will come in handy now that we finally are making static code analysis a part of our pull requests.
As I know project archiving is already in JIRA 7.10 but faster experience (on Board for example) is making a huge difference. Overall when using 7.11 (and above) is a lot faster (not sure which version was presented on keynote and compared to 8.0 to show 9s vs 3s loading the same board)
I think the two biggest takeaways that I am looking forward to are the new Confluence search, and the ability to edit more than just Microsoft Office attachment types in Confluence. I previewed the new search with the Chrome extension that was released and it was super nice. It was fast and I think it will help users find what they are looking for.
My faraway takeaway was that bitbucket and confluence improvements including customer portal customizations are on the way to server. Plus, Trello User Groups are kicking off around the globe.
My faraway take-aways were:
@LarryBrock you really really do need to be there! @Kevin Stanley will be there and we super miss your company!
:awwthanks: @Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_ - I really missed everyone this year and so tried to live vicariously through the pics, videos, etc. ;-(
Vegas is going to be AMAZING... Can we hold meetups at blackjack tables? Is that a thing? ;)
@Gregory Van Den Ham I volunteer as tribute! Just remember, always split aces and eights, and always hit soft 17....
@Monique vdB, sometimes though, you have to play as part of the team against the dealer. That means, if you're sitting at end of the table and there's a chance you can cause the dealer to bust, you take the card for the table - oh, heck- I just made blackjack a team sport ;)
@Gregory Van Den Ham this is why I never sit at third base. I want to play my optimal hand, and I could just as easily take a dealer's low card as their bust card. You can have third base 😉
@Monique vdB I'll sacrifice, but you're buying the drinks :)
@Gregory Van Den Ham it's a deal! (Pun intended.) :D
Definitely has to be the new JIRA OPS / OPS GENIE.... say WHAT now!? :oO
What an interesting future Atlassian has!
I have mixed feeling... Of course it is only for Cloud and if you do not buy also OpsGenie, Statuspage or ServiceDesk or use Slack for you JIRA Ops right now would a normal JIRA Cloud project where you can add comments and proceed through the workflow...
I am waiting for pricing and licensing to have complete picture of this new offering.
One of the main things I have taken away from far away is the JIRA OPS announcement. Seems fantastic and there is now a buzz in my company about it!
Another few things were mentioned in the State of Data Center that got me really excited to make our switch to Data Center very soon.
The new Confluence editor and JIRA Roadmaps are also some very exciting features.
And my final takeaway is I love going to summits and need to convince my company that going overseas for those summits are just as worth it as the state side ones!
The announcement of JIRA OPS clearly was one of the biggest highlights also my YouTube playlist is filled with so much great talks.
I came by the booth and got my community shirt so got to represent on the flight home!
I've found my experience at Summits have changed over the 5 years I've been attending as the number of talks I've been to has dropped off (with a plan of watching recordings after, but often not doing so) but spending the time with vendors/product managers/Atlassian management etc face to face while the opportunity was there.
Very excited about Jira 8 and it's (long overdue) update to Lucence in the hope it boosts performance. While new product announcements are great, the push on performance and stability is very much appreciated too, and as mentioned during one of the keynotes (paraphrasing) - it doesn't matter how many great feature improvements we make if it doesn't perform well, or at all.
Summit 2019 already blocked out in the calendar!
@Craig Castle-Mead sorry I didn't get to meet you at the booth but hopefully will see you in Vegas!
This may or may not count for the September badge, since it really isn't my favorite takeaway, but...
One of the presentations I used to try to "sell" the Summit when I was seeking approval from management was the "Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail" presentation on OKRs. I thought it would be incredibly helpful with goal setting. Unfortunately the quality of the recording seems to be quite poor; I cannot get my volume loud enough to be able to hear it at more than a whisper (and consequently I jump out of my seat every time I get an IM or an email.)
I'll give it a try at home, I have much better speakers there.
hmmm strange - The sound of the video is alright for me. Maybe the volume setting in YouTube isn't set to full maximum?
In addition to that you should read this book here
...or watch the Google OKR video When we started with OKRs at Atlassian we all watched this presentation.
Thanks Sven, I tried from home last night and it was fine. I'm sure the issue was a PEBKAC error (Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair.)
I'll check out both of those resources, thank you!
Here's a great post from @Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_ about some of her Summit takeaways from far away!
Thanks for the shout out @Monique vdB! I plan to make more posts about Summit thoughts and adventures in the coming days/weeks too!
One of my takeaways from the sessions that I attended is the way of dealing with large data. New data scientist team really doing a good job in analyzing input. Session was called
.. and it was a example of using Python libraries (and other tools) to read and transform words into graphical maps to for example identify gaps in documentation, suggest KB articles that might help or assign to the specific team or person.
I would really want to see similar approach to analyze people feedback. There might be logic behind that really show what people want to have in Atlassian products. Current voting on JAC is not enough to track everything and respond.
It could be also used here on community to for example suggest KB articles when creating a post or notify people that might know the answer ;)
Possibilities are endless, but please do not replace support engineers or us here with automation :)
Hey @Mirek
That sounds super interesting, I think this may be the link to the recording of that talk.
Inside Atlassian: Transforming Customer Support With Artificial Intelligence
My key take-aways are batched emails in Jira as well as customizable email notifications for end-users.
Another take-away is that more and more features are exclusively available for data center installations even though they would be beneficial for server installations. Two of them are Archiving projects in Jira and read-only mode in Confluence.
Unfortunately, I did not have the time yet to watch all sessions.
Do I get the September badge now? :)
Key take away.... don't miss summit.. ever... It's like all your best friends had the best party ever and your excuse was, but I have work tomorrow.
@Gregory Van Den Ham this is accurate, yes. :)
sigh... this is exactly how I feel right now. #NeverMissSummit #NeedingADoseOfAtlassian #SpreadTheLove
My takeaways are:
My favorite takeaways are;
I really don't wanna miss the next one :'(
Didn't go to the summit but did go to the Atlas Camp.
My takeaways:
Tacos are indeed awesome. It's what's for lunch today.
Best reply ever