Judging from the response to another question, I think I need to state this: a screen reader is software that vision impaired computer users use to read out loud the text on the screen and describe where they are on the page, so that they can use programs without seeing the screen.
If you can see text on the screen, it is not necessarily compatible with a screen reader. In particular, there are some things you can do with JavaScript and even CSS that will hide text from screen readers.
That said, we are really interested in using a checklist plugin with our installation of Jira Server 7.6.2. (We do plan to upgrade to 8 soon, but things move a bit slow here.) I contacted the developers of our top 3 choices, and it looks like none of them have screen reader support. We'd ideally like something that supports
The ones we were looking at were:
Has anyone come across a checklist plugin for Jira Server that is accessible with screen readers? Thanks for your help.