I am trying to pass multiple values through a custom field mapping. From what I seen in this thread, https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Answers-Developer-Questions/Mapping-multiple-values-from-a-custom-field-to-a-new-issue/qaq-p/528473 , it was not possible to pass multiple values for custom fields into the createIssue routine so the recommendation was to do it after the issue was created.
How I currently fill in the values of custom fields from the parent is below:
string Resume ="";
if(Firstname!="") {Resume+="|customfield_13559|"+customfield_13559;}
if(LastName!="") {Resume+="|customfield_13560|"+customfield_13560;}
custom_field_mapping = "assignee|User1"+Resume;
I have two custom fields that are multi-value selects and I am wondering how would I incorporate/fill in the values of those custom fields in the sub-tasks.
I am following the normal createIssue syntax:
//createIssue(projectKey, parentIssueKey, issueType, summary, priority, description, components, due date, estimate, security_level, custom_fields_mappings)