Hi all, I am trying to update a project that provided authentication to Crucible via CA Siteminder. The project uses com.cenqua.fisheye.user.FEUser which appears to be deprecated. I cannot find an...
Does Crucible support code review in a secure Mercurial repo?
I know how to change JIRA URL from localhost:8080 to jira.xxx.com, but I cant figure out how I can achieve this for crucible since I cant find that server.xml or any documentation on Crucible Guides....
Today our team was concerned to see our normal FishEye + Crucible replaced with a pirate logo and "PatchEye and Cutlass" as shown below. Is this some kind of joke from Atlassian? If so it seems ver...
Hello! Enviroment: CentOS 6, 2.6.2 Build:20110720020604 2011-07-20 Problem: Fisheye not show diff information for some files For example: fisheye scans repository and trying find changed fi...
The workflow list http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CRUCIBLE/Defining+your+Workflow contains Lightweight Code Commenting workflow. But I can't understand how to setup Permission Schemes to all...
Msysgit is installed to 'C:\Git\bin\git.exe' and is set appropriately in Fisheye administration menu. Any thoughts on how to correct this? Looks like a path issue but what is passing this path as a...
How can I change the default FishEye/Crucible polling interval? When editing a repo I see there is an option to 'Use the system default settings for updates', but I'm not clear on where that system...
We have an install of crucible that has spent days scanning our repository. It seems very slow. We have 22268 revisions in our repo. The scan is up to 506,008,917 lines of code here is...
When I go to the Archive section and select closed, I see all the reviews, except they are sorted oldest first. Typically my primary use case is to look for some recent comment or discussion on a bl...
Hello, we have a problem with update Fisheye with Crucible from version 2.6.1 to latest version 2.7. After update files and start fisheye - ./bin/start.sh we can't login to fisheye admin panel. On br...
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but in the smart commit configuration page in Fisheye/Crucible I only get the option to enable JIRA Issue Transitions, but not Review Creation. I upgraded the Fishe...
I use Bazaar as our source versioning control software, but from the testing I've done thusfar with the tool, it appears that this tool has no ability to integrate that project. Are there instructio...
The error is pretty descriptive, but I'm not sure why I'd have to modify the bundled plugin's atlassian-plugin.xml file and I'm not completely clear on what 'some-key' is in the error message. Perhap...
Is it better to have fisheye on its own box? Or have it coupled with subversion on the same server?
Is there any way, as a Fish Eye admin, I can change user's Avatars?
I get this error "Error: Invalid response format." When I try to create a new git repository in fieheye 2.7. This is just a test setup on my mac. All I did was unzip and run, then set the git path...
I have several users that "forgot" their passwords. They tried to reset their passwords via the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page. They get an email, they follow the link to get a new pa...
So in our Fisheye system we have a few major projects, one of which is making all line counts useless. This is caused by two things; a folder full of support XML files with hundreds of thousands of ...
I am confused about the fisheye/crucible install. The zip files for both are essentially the same. Most documentation do not refer to installing these seperately but one document suggested that you...
How can I automaitcally create a patch review for a certain changelist in perforce, including newly added files?
Is the preferable way to install/use crucible with or without fisheye? This is for a new installation of crucible, and we're not using fisheye now. Thanks for any help. Brian
I'm unable to connect to Bitbucket from inside FishEye using the UR. Even though i can use a broswer to goto the URL just fine... is there proxy seeting i need to do inside FishEye? thanks-- http...
i'm trying to install JIRA suite on my local PC for a test run. I've been following the "here be dragon" instranctions to Dragons Stage 4 - Install FishEye and Crucible My machine is a Core Duo 3GHz ...
...X:MaxNewSize=128m -Dfisheye.library.path= -Dfisheye.inst=/srv/fecru262 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/srv/fecru262/lib/endorsed -jar /srv/fecru262/fisheyeboot.jar start --Xdisable-dirtree-e...
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February 6, 2025 10:52 AM PST | ||
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