Forming an Advisory Board If you don’t already have one, create an advisory board to establish standards, support the admins, and advocate for users. Ideally, the board includes the following typ...
...ometimes life is calm and organized and other times, it’s messy and chaotic. The same is probably true for your Confluence application. Confluence always starts out clean and organized, but over time i...
Hi Confluence Cloud community! I’m Sam, a product manager working to build better template creation and publishing experiences for content creators. I am excited to share “Powered By,” a feature th...
Dear Community ❤️, Roses are red Violets are blue This year is already ending We can’t believe it, can you?! 2022 will be remembered for so many things New templates, new Home pa...
Sometimes we don't have much notice of a colleague leaving the organisation and in those times we may be in a scramble to get access to systems and tools that a colleague managed. In the case of At...
問題 Confluence Cloudユーザーのパーソナルスペースが作成されていなく、新しく作成出来ない。 原因 Confluence Cloudで管理者によってパーソナルスペースの利用が許可されていない場合があります。その場合はユーザー側でパーソナルスペースの作成および利用ができません。 管理者側でパーソナルスペースが許可されているユーザーの確認はグローバル権限より出来ます。 ...
Hey Atlassian Community! We’re excited to announce our first agile & DevOps event – Atlassian Presents: Unleash. Join us in person on February 9 in Berlin, or t...
Hello everyone! My name is Sheerine Baucum, Product Manager focusing on Automation for Confluence. I am excited to share that we’ve brought the powerful automation platform (that you know and love ...
Hi Community! I’m excited to share that you can now fill out Jira Work Management forms within Confluence! By simply pasting the form link into a page, the Smart Link feature will automatically gen...
※本記事は、Shalu Pandeyが 2022年11月29日に公開した英語記事「Announcing changes to Microsoft Word import in Confluence」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 2023年1月7日より、ConfluenceでのMicrosoft Wordからのインポートの手順が新しくな...
Hey there 👋🏼 Community Members, Want to take your team’s productivity 📈to the next level? Do it, and your company will thank you 🙌🏼! Learn how Fidelity Payments Services uses Confluence as a...
Greetings 🖖🏽 Community Members, Onboarding new employees remotely getting you down? Confluence can upgrade your new hire experience from blah😕 to yah 😁! Because let’s face it, bringing aboard n...
First 10 bug fixes are live! Check out them out here. Hi Confluence Community, My name is Sai Ramanathan, and I’m a Senior Engineering Manager on Confluence Cloud. The Confluence enginee...
Hi Community! My name is Annie, I am a Product Manager at Atlassian working on bringing a Confluence page experience natively into any work productivity apps that you work in. This capability allow...
Hello, My name is Shalu Pandey and I’m a product manager for the Confluence Ecosystem team. I want to inform you that on January 7th, 2023 the old Microsoft Word import in Confluence will be deprec...
Hello Confluence community! My name is Jacob, and I'm a product marketing manager for Confluence. This month, we're conducting a survey with our customers to understand your Confluence experie...
Hello Atlassian Community, Today I am excited to share with you all a big update to Confluence for iPad. Make sure to download the latest version from the App Store here to get this ...
よくあるお問い合わせ Q. ページ制限が設定されている Confluence ページにおいて、以前は参照出来ていたが、現在は参照出来なくなってしまった。おそらくページ制限の設定が変更されたためと思われるが、いつ頃変更されてしまったのか確認したい。 Q. 以前は参照出来ていたある Confluence ページが、ある時点から突然参照出来なくなってしまった。権限設定が変更された可能性が高いと...
One of the most attractive parts about Confluence is that it can be used by everyone. You shouldn't just have your tech writers write documentation in Confluence. Confluence should be used for market...
Important Update (February 2, 2023): Confluence has decided to add a setting (Go to your profile image → settings → email) where you can turn on these emails if you choose. We have started rolling...
Hi! I’m Chloe Kurzon, a product manager on the Confluence mobile team. Today, our team is excited to announce the rollout of Activity Feed for Android. The Activity Feed has been a popular featu...
Hi Atlassian Community! As the foliage 🍂 has been busy changing colors, it’s been a busy season for Confluence as well! With new Confluence templates, improved PDF exports, and more feature upgrad...
Hi Atlassian Community! As the foliage 🍂 has been busy changing colors, it’s been a busy season for Confluence as well! With new Confluence templates, improved PDF exports, and more feature upgrad...
Hi Atlassian Community, I’m Cindy, a Product Marketing Manager on the Confluence Cloud team, and I’m very excited to announce that 10 new templates are now live in Confluence! This adds to the gr...
Hi Community, I'm Ethan, a product manager focused on improving the rich-text editor which supports Confluence Cloud, and the wider suite of products in Atlassian’s platform. I'm here to announce t...