Workflows in Confluence is a) subject to many a question here, b) a pet peeve of mine, so when @Ralf Schmelter asked his question I quickly jotted down the options. Turns out, Ralf meant smth else but hey, I've got a post written :)
Anyway, let's take a quick look at workflow options in Confluence.
For the purpose of this piece, a workflow is a process that designates pages as being in a different stage of readiness and/or changes the page's functional relationship to other pages/apps. The basic idea is to separate your drafts from the finalized content.
Of course, I'm keen to hear other ideas and solutions, so please, share them in the comments.
Option one
For basic workflows, you can use Confluence 'Page status' feature. It doesn't do much but it can provide a basic information about ... the page status. Statuses are customizable.
You can think of page statuses as labels that appear on top of the page.
Having said that... there are apps that can use a specific status as a cue to perform an action, and THEN you can use Statuses as a de-facto active workflow tool.
In Premium and Enterprise Confluence, you can use statuses to trigger automation rules.
Option two
Confluence Live Edit mode (currently in beta) treats any page as a viewable draft until the page is Published/Updated. It can perform the workflow function.
Option three
Comala Document Approval - it's the simplest possible workflow app - Review/Approved with Review being automatically applied to new pages.
At Emplifi, we're using this app in a chain with Comala Publishing, Scroll Documents and Scroll Viewport to create our doc site.
Option four
A full fledged workflow app
This is what you want if you have strict approval process, need to meet industry compliance requirements etc.
Option five - a little workflow hack ;)
Use different app for basic workflow. I mentioned Page Status feature. An app called Space Sync for Confluence does exactly what it says - it sync content between two (or more) spaces.
The idea here is to use one space for your drafts (Source), then, when the page is finalized, you sync it to another space (Target). Target will have broad permissions but read only. Source will have permissions for people who can edit and no viewing permissions for others.
The cool thing that Space Sync can use Page Status to trigger syncing of a page. If you combine with Pages Manager (free app), you can change the status on multiple pages at once and trigger bulk sync. In other words, moving pages from draft to approved.
General note: What's important to realize is that workflow apps typically work with publishing, syncing apps or deploy the two-space method to separate your working area, Space where the workflow happens, from the Space where content is consumed.
Kristian Klima
Director of Technical Content, Emplifi
Prague, Czechia
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