Hello Monique,
It looks like the search to give kudos to colleagues and community leaders is not working properly i cannot find some people for example Andy Heinzer.
Is any one facing the same issue? (I searched also by name and surname)
Kind regards,
@Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_ Thanks for the response, it does makes sense, but i also see some users that are new in the community/not leaders and they are visible in the search box hmm
Kind regards,
With the Beta program they have a range of Community members involved for example I was selected for the Beta before I joyously achieved Community Leader.
From what I understand the selection can be quite random so they can get perspectives from members who have just joined to long standing ones and of course members like us (Community Leaders) 😃
All the best,
The search function is indeed flawed in my experience. Results are hit and miss I haven’t found a solution to make it more reliable. @Monique vdB ?
Ah, search. Normally I look for people using last name only - the kudos search does not recognize spaces or special characters, and first names tend to be too common. But indeed, if people are not enrolled in the kudos program, you will not be able to find them. The hovercard will show level and kudos points for those who are enrolled.
Good news on this though! In the not-too-distant future we will be adding a kudos tab to the profile. This means you can go straight to anyone's profile and if they are enrolled in the program, give them kudos directly there. Here is a sneak peek of what this looks like in our development environment:
@Monique vdB Thank you for the response really good improvement
@Monique vdB I have noticed another problem looks like the Kudos point is not updating any more regarding user activity. for example, i constantly return back to the community but i don't see my points updated, I was the first to answer question but it wasn't updated , i joined/post a new JSD group and i did not get the points promise
could you please investigate ?
Kind regards,
@Monique vdB Any updates? it is still not working as i have explained above and more i always get pop ups on linux and windows that i won a lottery ? wierd behaviour.
@Moses Thomas. it sounds like your cookies are being cleared or suppressed somehow - you're only supposed to get the lottery pop up once. Are you using an ad blocker or similar browser extension? You may need to whitelist community in order for your actions to be recorded.
But my browser is not blocking Atlassian community. Let me check now and see.
Kind regards,