So what do you think about the way how the Kudos feature looks like? Do you see any problems or things that are not right?
If so this is the best place to put your feedback.
I am trying to understand the purpose of that programm
Hi guys!
They should add the statistics under this section with Kudos Received and Kudos Sent (maybe).
What do you think?
@Mihai Schwarz that would be cool!
I'm confused by the challenges... I know I've done tons of those things, but I can't tell if I've completed them or not.
@Jimmy Seddon some important issues:
1. They are not retroactive, so things you've done in the past, you will need to do again.
2. Some of them appear to be broken, we're working to fix them now.
This is more UX than UI, but as another commenter mentioned I am thoroughly confused by the challenge prompts and the relationship between challenges and points. Some of my open challenges are things I have already done. Others are frustratingly opaque, like "Complete your profile." My profile appears to be 100% complete, so I'm not sure what this is referring to. Another challenge is asking me to post a picture or GIF in a reply. I did. Nothing happened. Providing more info in the challenge prompts would improve this experience.
Yeah I am with you on this .. I started to play with this and having hard time to get exactly did I got one or not
@Marshall Walker Lee this is great feedback. We are trying to improve some of these items, like:
I'll keep you posted on all of this as we make progress!
@Mirek I really like the picture UX vs Design !!
That picture is what I often see in real life :)
As someone who formally worked in design I find the font styles and sizes challenging... It's like 6 different font sizes and it's blowing my mind 🤯😅 and too many scrolling bars
What I really like is the progress bar on right side - progress is always welcome 😊
Next challenges is maybe a little bit to much information next to the badges - idea could be only the badges cause you can click them anyway.
My kudos is a little bit tricky - to me it sounded like the kudos I got, but maybe it's only my point of view.
I like the kudos idea 🎉🎇
Yes, I am also curious why we need so many font styles and sizes :) .. Looks like I am not the only one that worked before in design and see that :)
@Fabienne Gerhard and @Mirek ha! I was wondering if anyone else would notice the attack of the fonts. It's on our list to fix!
We have an update coming tomorrow. No fonts updates yet, but we've added better views into your own activity; I'm excited to see that in action and hear what you think.