
Atlassian Migration Program

Created Mar 2, 2022, Last active Feb 20, 2025

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  • JCMA does not migrate Retrospective data

    Hi -  JCMA does not migrate Jira retro data from Server to Cloud. Is there another way to migrate retro data to the Cloud?   Bset, Virginia T

    vthomas9 started a discussion 0 4 December 21, 2023
  • Product Links

    We are in the middle of our migration currently and I have a couple of questions on how this works. I only see our sandbox instances currently, is that because we have only migrated to our sandbox w...

    Dan W started a discussion 0 1 December 19, 2023
  • Ticket not created for Atlassian Support

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to log a ticket for migration support but either information keeps disappearing from text boxes or the ticket says I'm missing information (I'm not and I can see it in the r...

    Sjaa asked a question 0 6 December 18, 2023
  • Early Access Program: monitor migrations from the Admin hub

    Hi Admins and Migration Experts! Another migration-related capability is ready for early access: a dashboard showing migrations incoming to your cloud organization, accessible from admin.atlassian....

    Jan Ambroziewicz published an article 8 0 December 13, 2023
  • Migration Hub Template: Jira Service Management 🎁

    Don’t let your important migration details get lost. Use this template to keep everyone in the loop as you move to Jira Service Management Cloud (and save yourself time* in the process!). *...

    Julie Pinto published an article 6 0 December 12, 2023
  • Migration Hub Template: Confluence 🎁

    Don’t let your important migration details get lost. Use this template to keep everyone in the loop as you move to Confluence Cloud (and save yourself time* in the process!). *Want to save ...

    Julie Pinto published an article 9 0 December 12, 2023
  • 60 days til Server End of Support: Learn how to build your migration plan webinar

    Now available on-demand: One of our most popular and well-received migrations webinars. Looking for guidance on how to prepare for Server end of support and navigate your migration? Watch our recen...

    Noel Tanner published an article 11 2 November 22, 2023
  • Early Access Program: Visualize your server footprint with Portfolio analyzer

    Hi Community, I’m Ben, a product manager on the Atlassian’s Migration team. We’ve recently started a new EAP for the Portfolio analyzer and this is an official invitation for you to join the progra...

    Ben Borecki published an article 23 4 November 22, 2023
  • Webinar: Migrate your Refined instance with ease

    Need some guidance on your migration to Cloud? We got you. We’ve helped hundreds of customers with their migration. With that experience, we’ve come up with some best practices on how to make your m...

    Caspian Almerud started a discussion 1 3 November 20, 2023
  • Cross-Domain Jira Cloud Migration

    We are planning a cross-domain Jira Cloud Migration. In our environment, we have 5 IT projects and 20 team members with tasks across multiple projects that need to be migrated to a new domain, prefer...

    Mikhail Neverov asked a question 1 6 November 19, 2023
  • What are the KPIs to measure the success of Cloud Migration project ?

    Hello Team,   What could be the potential KPIs to measure the success of an Atlassian Cloud Migration project ?   BR Abhishek

    abhishek_sharma03 asked a question 3 2 November 16, 2023
  • Merge of three cloud sites

    We were asked by one of our customers to help them merge three cloud sites together – data from two smaller cloud sites had to be merged into the big company site after the acquisition of two compani...

    Hana Kučerová published an article 13 9 November 15, 2023
  • End of server sale & support - November 2023 update

    ...ff & feedback from stakeholders before making a ‘go’ decision to launch software to market. Progress tracking for release hub (Jira): As the version gets underway, its true progress will be r...

    Sarah Joshi published an article 9 0 November 15, 2023
  • issues with not showing assignee user after import with csv?

    we are trying to export import Jira via CSV format but we added all Jira filed with import assignee as an assignee. after importing we found everything in the new Jira instance like the reporter name...

    sahil kamble asked a question 0 8 November 8, 2023
  • Assignee is in Hexadecimal

    Hi - I'm testing migrations from Jira server to the Cloud and have this error, where Jira Cloud displays hex versus the name of the assignee. See the attached picture.  How can this be fixed t...

    vthomas9 asked a question 0 5 November 3, 2023
  • we facing the probalm with projects migration ?

    Category Referenced by project Impacted type Impacted name Problem Description Next steps UNSUPPORTED Global entity (applied to all projects) Permission "ARCHIVE_DISCOVERY_ISSUES,CREATE_DISCOVERY_IN...

    sahil kamble asked a question 1 1 November 3, 2023
  • Tools migration

    How many tools do you/did you have on Server? And which hosting did you/are you planning to choose as the Server is coming to an end? I am just wondering maybe you switched one tool to a higher plan ...

    Dominika Kuraś-Moskwa [Deviniti] started a discussion 1 1 November 2, 2023
  • Does the end of support on 2024-02-15 mean the end of security updates or not?

    I have searched the forum for answers to this but not found anything concrete. Because we still have this page

    Elvar Böðvarsson asked a question 2 7 November 1, 2023
  • Migration of Personal Spaces

    Hi, I'm looking to use the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant to move from Confluence Data Centre to Confluence Cloud. I need to migrate some personal spaces as well as the site spaces. As part of...

    Beth Chubb asked a question 2 6 October 25, 2023
  • Leveraging Algorithms for a User-Centric Jira Project Migration

    A migration to Atlassian Cloud is a journey, and everyone who embarks on that journey will have to answer three critical questions - What am I migrating? When am I migrating it? and How will I migrat...

    Arbi Dridi published an article 10 3 October 24, 2023
  • Cloud Sandbox for Confluence

    Hi - I need to migrate our Jira and Confluence from server to Cloud. I plan to test full migrations of Jira and Confluence. I have set  up a  Cloud Jira sandbox.   I would like ...

    vthomas9 started a discussion 1 4 October 23, 2023
  • New cloud migration template for you 🎁

    Ever plan a party, but details get buried in the group chat? 😵‍💫 While a few guests misunderstanding the theme as “beach party” instead of “black tie” might make for a good laugh, the stakes are ...

    Julie Pinto published an article 13 4 October 23, 2023
  • Join the Early Access Program (EAP) for Migration of Archived Issues

    Hello Atlassian Community, I'm Shraddha, product manager for Jira Migrations. We are thrilled to announce a key milestone in our efforts to make cloud migrations more seamless and efficient - ...

    Shraddha Garg published an article 14 1 October 23, 2023
  • Don't Let Your Users End up in a Dead End!

      (Image Credit: [Big thanks to my old colleague @Ed Bukoski from Netflix, who did pioneering work in developing a redirector t...

    Darryl Lee published an article 26 27 October 17, 2023
  • Managed accounts - Required?

    HI - I am migrating from Jira/Confluence Server to Cloud. Do I have to set up Managed Accounts in the Cloud? How does Atlassian count a licensed seat?  Does Atlassian use the number of Activ...

    vthomas9 asked a question 0 2 October 17, 2023
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