I joined the group due to a recommendation provided by the Community GUI. When joined, I received notifications for new questions (via e-mail). This is presumably due to the "Automatically subscribe me to all group hubs that I join" option at community.atlassian.com/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/user-subscriptions%3Anotification-settings. However, I have now left, yet continue to receive notifications. I presume that disabling that option does not redact existent subscriptions, so how do I manually cancel them?
You're correct. I've now left. Thanks.
I must have not expected it to be the sole item in a drop-down, and conflated it with the watch option. However, considering that I'd unwatched the group, why was I continuing to receive notifications?
As the undermentioned demonstrates, it appears that we were incorrect, for I've just received an e-mail despite me not being joined.
Note that I have to re-join to respond here though, so if you see in audit log that my last join date is very recent, that's why.
Hi @Mr. Beedell, Roke Julian Lockhart , sorry you're having difficulty leaving this group. As @Darryl Lee mentioned, were you able to see (and use) the Options drop-down to Leave group now that you've re-joined?
@Susan Waldrip, I can join and leave at will, and always leave after I've posted a response here. I've never been “watching” the group, either.
@Mr. Beedell, Roke Julian Lockhart - Hrm, it looks like Notifications for Watched items SHOULD be removed when you leave a group. I just left the New York group (sorry @Dave Liao ACE) and I think it got removed from this non-filterable (ARGH) list under Manage settings -> Notifications:
Ugh, this UI sucks. Let me find some API calls to search for Groups you're subscribed to and also to unsubscribe. BRB...
So I dug around through Khoros documentation (annoyingly you have to register in their community to see their docs) found this API endpoint to filter subscriptions by Type. Here is the link to see all of your "Group" (which Khoros calls boards) subscriptions:
So what's WEIRD is that yes, if "Automatically subscribe me to all group hubs that I join", I see that a subscription gets added to this group. (I think Atlassian combines their discussions, qanda, and blogs all into a single page.)
"type": "subscription",
"id": "1704311",
"href": "/boards/Answerers/subscriptions/1704311",
"target": {
"type": "board",
"id": "Answerers",
"href": "/boards/Answerers",
"view_href": "https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Answerers-discussions/bd-p/Answerers"
"subscriber": {
"type": "user",
"id": "1365322",
"href": "/users/1365322",
"view_href": "https://community.atlassian.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1365322",
"login": "Darryl Lee"
"type": "subscription",
"id": "1704310",
"href": "/boards/Answerersqanda-board/subscriptions/1704310",
"target": {
"type": "board",
"id": "Answerersqanda-board",
"href": "/boards/Answerersqanda-board",
"view_href": "https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Answerers-questions/qa-p/Answerersqanda-board"
"subscriber": {
"type": "user",
"id": "1365322",
"href": "/users/1365322",
"view_href": "https://community.atlassian.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1365322",
"login": "Darryl Lee"
"type": "subscription",
"id": "1704309",
"href": "/boards/Answerersblog-board/subscriptions/1704309",
"target": {
"type": "board",
"id": "Answerersblog-board",
"href": "/boards/Answerersblog-board",
"view_href": "https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Answerers-articles/bg-p/Answerersblog-board"
The THING IS, when I LEAVE the group, those subscriptions go away, as we would expect.
Like up at the top, the size of the items found went from 80 to 77.
So, I think the software is doing what it's supposed to when you leave the group.
A query for just conversation subscriptions shows that DO still have a subscription to this specific thread, so it might be worth trying to unsubscribe from that.
But yeah, weird that you still got an email. Was it for the post entitled "Why is my article in moderation?" posted Nov 12 9:59 PM PST?
Curious what the Subject line was. Maybe that would help us figure this mystery out.
Also, I wonder how many people are getting spammed by my reply?
But yeah, weird that you still got an email. Was it for the post entitled "Why is my article in moderation?" posted Nov 12 9:59 PM PST?
@Darryl Lee, yeah, I was notified of "Why is my article in moderation?" and then "Done items moving to new sprint":
I just left the New York group (sorry @Dave Liao ACE) and I think it got removed from this non-filterable (ARGH) list under Manage settings -> Notifications.
I don't see any entries for an entire group there.
Huh @Mr. Beedell, Roke Julian Lockhart so if you go to this link (API endpoint that should show you all "board" subscriptions) you do not see:
If so, that would mean it's not here under Watching.
I guess other places to check would be under My Bookmarks and Search alerts?
Huh @Mr_ Beedell_ Roke Julian Lockhart so if you go to this link (API endpoint that should show you all "board" subscriptions) you do not see:
@Darryl Lee, I see the undermentioned at that URI:
{ "status" : "success", "message" : "", "http_code" : 200, "data" : { "type" : "subscriptions", "list_item_type" : "subscription", "size" : 0, "items" : [ ] }, "metadata" : { } }
Note that that is even whilst remaining joined.
I guess other places to check would be under My Bookmarks and Search alerts?