We’re excited to announce that you can soon control who can access Atlassian Goals and Atlassian Projects!
Like other Atlassian products, product access to Goals and Projects will be managed in Atlassian Administration. You can give a user or group access to both Goals and Projects, or only one.
A user who has access is allowed to view, create, and update goals or projects and browse their respective directories. A user who doesn’t have access is not able to do any of the above.
We’re rolling out to a small number of sites in early access first. Then, throughout January, we’ll roll out to all other customers who are using Goals and Projects.
If you have any questions or feedback please leave them as comments below and we’ll do our best to address them!
A note for Atlas customers
Enabling the ability to control product access for Goals and Projects allows us to start migrating Atlas customers to the new Goals and Projects experiences. We’ll notify admins before this happens to provide more information. Read our previous Atlas announcement to learn more
Nir Nikolaevsky