Workflow validator is not showing the message passed in InvalidInputException

Matthew Van Kuyk
March 22, 2018

When running a validation script (scriptrunner) in the past we saw the message that was specified in InvalidInputException. Now instead we get a general error message and a system error on the right side of the screen. (see screenshot)

Image 141.png


Script can be found here:


import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidInputException;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

    //set the value of the customer request type of request Internal Move
    def requestInternalMove= "sd/d28a8b4a-343c-453c-9e87-68a1f7b2710d"
    int requestInternalMoveDays=14
    def accessNewBadge= "sd/9f504603-3714-41b4-9fb3-b34bcd281337"
    int accessNewBadgeDays=1
    def requestAccessOutOfBusinessHours= "sd/9b8df7fc-a58c-432b-9e1f-74916a8cce10"
    int requestAccessOutOfBusinessHoursDays=2
    def requestO365Team= "sd/9d3afd70-652c-4cb9-a4b5-b07773775a7e"
    int requestO365TeamDays=1
    def EnableDailyTravelPassport= "sd/018476f2-328d-46aa-b28f-9227160c9788"
    int EnableDailyTravelPassportDays=5
    def rentVan= "sd/ca7491e3-74b2-4352-87a2-173f3427e958"
    int rentVanDays=6
    def requestDeskConsultant= "sd/ecafb986-8d25-4dc4-a537-e845fb53869f"
    int requestDeskConsultantDays=10
    def requestecOnboarding = "sd/2eafbec9-9adb-4668-939b-a4e8d3ab5dfd"
    int requestecOnboardingDays = 5
    def requestIOnboarding = "sd/42cdd1f9-c57e-4b4e-a4b4-ace2d42b1ee5"
    int requestIOnboardingDays = 5
    def requestCOnboarding = "sd/09543f37-9810-4ccb-add6-83843ce9e066"
    int requestCOnboardingDays = 5

    def issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager()
    def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager()
    def cf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Customer Request Type")
    def cFieldValue = issue.getCustomFieldValue(cf)
    log.error("Customer Request Type: " + cFieldValue);
    def requestType = cFieldValue.toString();
     int noOfDays = 0;
        case requestInternalMove:
            noOfDays = requestInternalMoveDays
        case accessNewBadge:
            noOfDays = accessNewBadgeDays
        case requestAccessOutOfBusinessHours:
            noOfDays = requestAccessOutOfBusinessHoursDays
        case requestO365Team:
            noOfDays = requestO365TeamDays
        case EnableDailyTravelPassport:
            noOfDays = EnableDailyTravelPassportDays
        case rentVan:
            noOfDays = rentVanDays;
        case requestecOnboarding:
            noOfDays = requestecOnboardingDays
        case requestIOnboarding:
            noOfDays = requestIOnboardingDays
        case requestCOnboarding:
            noOfDays = requestCOnboardingDays
        case rentVan:
            noOfDays = rentVanDays
        case requestDeskConsultant:
            noOfDays = requestDeskConsultantDays
        default : noOfDays = 0;
     Date date = getWorkingDaysDate(noOfDays)
     log.error("validation date: " + date);
    //Check if the due date is later than the 2 weeks
    if (issue.dueDate?.before(getWorkingDaysDate(noOfDays))) {
        def text ="Due date can't be in the past"
            text = noOfDays + " day(s) are required to provide this service, please provide a date after " + date.format( 'dd-MMM-yyyy' )
        throw new InvalidInputException(text)
        //invalidInputException = new InvalidInputException(text)
        return false;
    //validate date start date if available
    def cfStartDate = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10703") //Customer Request Type
    Date startDateValue = (Date) issue.getCustomFieldValue(cfStartDate)
    log.error( issue.dueDate.toString());    
     log.error( startDateValue.toString());
    /* Custom field with the value to filter on */
    if (startDateValue && startDateValue != null) {
        if (startDateValue?.before(getWorkingDaysDate(noOfDays))) {
        def text ="Due date can't be in the past"
            text = noOfDays + " day(s) are required to provide this service, please provide a date after " + date.format( 'dd-MMM-yyyy' )
        throw new InvalidInputException(text)
        log.error("SART DATE: "+ text)
            return false;
    //validate end date if available
    def cfEndDate = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10704") //Customer Request Type
    Date endDateValue = (Date) issue.getCustomFieldValue(cfEndDate)
    if (endDateValue && endDateValue != null) {
        if (endDateValue?.before(startDateValue)) {
        def text ="Due date can't be before start date"

        throw new InvalidInputException(text)
        log.error("END DATE: "+ text)
            return false;
}catch(Exception ex){
    invalidInputException = new InvalidInputException("An error ocured please contact the helpdesk")

static Date getWorkingDaysDate(int days){
    Date date=new Date();
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    //calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, days-1);
    SimpleDateFormat s;
    s=new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");

    int forDays = days;
    if(days < 0){
        forDays = days * -1;
    for(int i=0;i<forDays;)
        if(days > 0){
            calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);
        //here even sat and sun are added
        //but at the end it goes to the correct week day.
        //because i is only increased if it is week day
        if(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)<Calendar.SATURDAY && calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)>Calendar.SUNDAY)

    //s=new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy");
   // log.error(s.format(date));
    return date;


can someone help?


Kind regards,



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Benutzer Support GASCADE
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April 17, 2018

We are also affected by this issue with the input validation which has worked quite good in the past already!

I tried two variants, both lead to a generic input error but do not show the exception message as before.



invalidInputException = new InvalidInputException("--- Error with xxxx.... ---");



throw new InvalidInputException("--- Error with xxxx.... ---");


Unfortunately both do not work properly!



Used JIRA version is 7.7.2 with Service Desk 3.10.2, ScriptRunner 5.3.13.


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Nertil Qatipi
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I'm New Here
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June 18, 2019

I have the same problem, after upgrading jira to 7.13.

Any solution or workaround?

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