How to make an issue reporter a hyperlink text in Jira Automation for Slack message

dxiong November 8, 2023


As the title suggest, I am looking to make, {{issue.reporter.displayName}}, a hyperlink that I am using to redirect here,{{issue.toURL}}.So that when a message comes through the Slack channel, the reporters name is a hyperlink to the ticket. I have a screenshot of what I have attached but the issue reporter's name is just in regular text. Also if there are any tips to learn JQL that would be great. I only got lucky as Slack had these already setup and I just copied and pasted over. I am very new to Jira and would love to learn how to use JQL and such. Thank you Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 3.42.25 PM.png


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 8, 2023

Howdy @dxiong ,

Links in Slack use the app surface formatting . Links are formatted in <URL | Link text> syntax. A link in the format you're after would use this code in the Message section:

<{{issue.toUrl}}|{{issue.reporter.displayName}}> has commented on {{issue.key}}


As a bonus, I like using this link format in Slack messages:

<{{issue.toUrl}}|*{{issue.key}}* {{issue.summary}}>

This will display something like CONFSERVER-32190 - Bug in loremipsum macro, typo in sixth word in the Slack message, which is helpful when trying to figure out what the issue is.

Daniel | Atlassian Staff

P.S. Atlassian University has a free Intro to JQL course that should help level up your JQL skills!

dxiong November 9, 2023

Hi @Daniel Eads 
Thank you very much on this! Yes I read somewhere it would use a Slack format but I couldn't figure it out. I appreciate the quick response!

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