It's time to celebrate our April winners of the Random Acts of Community badge!
The 2019 Community Year in Review was a glorious fountain of data. Inspired by that post, I asked @Ali Sanne who was the one millionth person to join our community in 2019? And being the data guru that she is, she had an answer for me: @[deleted]! What a cool milestone, and worthy of celebration. Thanks for being lucky number one million to click that join button, Paul!
Our second winner this month is @Jisu Oh nominated by our own man of fun, @Andy - PTC Redundant. She attended every single Virtual Event for 5 weeks and eventually worked up the courage to make a presentation of her own! She even made a little award for Andy:
So of course we had to give her an exclusive award of her own!
And last but never least, one of our Community Leaders: @Teodora V _Fun Inc_ , who wrote this amazing article about her community experience. My favorite quote:
be part of a community that will let you be yourself, online or offline, small or big, united around a cause, adventure or idea, and let it do its magic. If you believe in yourself, you can do remarkable things; if someone believes in you, you can go beyond.
We believe in all of you, and thank you all for believing in each other.
And those are our April winners! 💙Keep us in mind if someone in our community does something awesome, random, or amazing in the month of May. Please send your nominees for May over to
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
75 accepted answers