Created Feb 28, 2022, Last active today
Sometimes the Story Points presented in Burndown Chart and in Velocity Chart are different. Why does that happen? How does the Story Points are counted in Burndown Chart and in Velocity ...
Hello, I'm trying to show a simple Date of a DateTime custom field value. in JETI email template on JIRA Cloud. Here is my code in the email template: #set($formatter = $!jetiFieldFormatter.getJir...
One of the quickest ways to make an impact on your team's Jira Software usage is to make some modifications to your projects' fields and screens. But first, what are fields and screens exac...
Unlike a lot of competing tools, users can customize nearly every component of Jira Software to fit their needs. That said, with all the possible customizations available, where does one begin? ...
As your Jira Software instance grows, restricting project access becomes an increasingly pressing need. Whether you're working with clients or just trying to control project visibility, str...
Recommended Learning For You
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Apply agile practices
Transform how you manage your work with agile practices, including kanban and scrum frameworks.
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Configure agile boards for Jira projects
Learn how to create and configure agile Jira boards so you can plan, prioritize, and estimate upcoming work.
Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset
Suitable for beginners, this live instructor-led full-day course will set up your whole team to understand how to use Jira with an agile methodology.
Our team is too large and handling both new features and production issues, making Scrum not really suitable. We like the Kanban board so far. 1. How do you estimate work to be done over X...
Доброго времени суток, дорогие жители Рунета. Уже 2 года активно живут и развиваются сообщества пользователей Atlassian в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. За 2 года мы выросли из участников первой вс...
Hi All , During sprint we know that bugs (which not related to user stories which being handled in sprint) will arraive (can arraive from field , application work , general regression versio...
We want to to track progress (burn down chart) for work done in a sprint (sub-tasks) even if the story/bug itself is not closed. Example: issue could be fixed but QA has not finished tes...
We have Epics for larger features. I want to replace Feature with Stories, but product team wants to keep Features as a high level request with use cases. Wondering how your teams work with t...
こんにちは、アトラシアンの山本です。 (1) 任意のアカウントへ通知する方法 少し複雑になってしまうのですが、JIRAでは次の3つの機能を組み合わせることで任意のグループやユーザーに通知を送ることができます。 カスタムイベント 通知スキーム 事後操作 英語になってしまいますが詳しい手順はドキュメント Configure a custom event notification ...
Hi, maybe a stupid question but is it possible to deploy a PHP project to AWS Beanstalk using the Python template from AWS (
I need to create a parent task, and then I will have to clone it many times and have it in the backlog but under different epics (all the cloned tasks have to be linked to the original parent task, t...
SoureTreeと連携して使用していますが、 バージョンを2.1.11.0にしてからか、プルをすると「no1.jpg」のようなエラー文が出るようになりました。 パスワードを再発行などして、ログインしても同じエラー文章が出てしまいます。ログイン自体はできています。 アカウントはBasic認証でログインしています。 解決策など分かりますでしょうか。 ご返答おまちし...
プロダクトの企画 プロダクトの企画は、主に企画担当が行うことが多いです。彼らは事業としての企画からそれを戦略的にプロダクトの企画に落とし込むことが大きなお仕事になります。従って、大別してしまうと(それがいいかは別議論)、テクニカル側よりビジネス側を重視することがまず優先順位としては高くなるはずです。 そこで使われる言語は、プログラミング言語ではなく、日本語や英語のような自然言語が主流でしょう...
When I logged in to JIRA for the first time JIRA created a sample project with some records. I would like to delete that entire sample project from my dashboard. I couldn't find a delete button even ...
My project is a mobile application .Its a new development. Just wondering what kind of project will be useful for this Scrum or Kanban?
アイデアをビジネス価値にし続ける 講演では実例としてデモンストレーションを実施していますが、 アイデア → ビジネス価値 を継続的に実践するための一例を提示しています。 継続的にデリバリーするためには、ビルドパイプラインやそれらの自動化だけでは不足していて、継続的フィードバック...
この記事は、Security Warning (Git,Mercurial,SVN) の記事の日本語参考訳です。最新情報やアップデートについては、オリジナルである英語記事をご参照ください。 Git、Mercurial、SVN は、以下の脆弱性を修正した最新バージョンをリリースしました。これらの脆弱性が悪用されると、クライアント側アプリケーションを通じてリモートでコード実行される危険が...
Atlassian, like a lot of fast moving software companies, has cross-functional teams located all over the world spanning multiple timezones. On any given day from our Austin office, I may be interacti...
It says sprint filter to have regular expression matching the completed sprints. Unable to get that. Could someone help?
Article written by Nick Muldoon Product Manager with Easy Agile. Past Product Manager at Atlassian & Twitter. Here's what Nick covers in this article:&nbs...
A problem with the user and multi-user picker fields, is that when you edit an issue you cannot see the display names of the selected users (JRASERVER-31023). This is a problem for organisations tha...
Hello everyone! I am currently working on an audit report for a company who uses JIRA and I was wondering what reports would you suggest to create or use for project management? Can youalso pr...
エラーログの内容について質問がございます。 下記のエラーはどのような時に出るものでしょうか。 2017-07-05 15:48:43,095 ERROR [conversion-thread-1-internal] [conversion.impl.runnable.ConversionRunnable] run Cannot create conversio...
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