I'm a senior software engineer at a large company, and my entire team has loved Trello from the beginning. However, my entire team and I also unanimously hate the new WYSIWYG card editor. As p...
Hello, how to double quote in trello with the new editor markdown example: >> Quote The new editor makes a seperate quote when Trying to do a double quote, or just disables the for...
Hi, I have created a ConfiForm that on user submissions creates a Task in Jira. I have a couple of WYSIWYG fields however these are causing me some problems. If a user types just one line the form w...
How do I turn off the WYSIWYG editor to get back to regular markdown editing?
Ahoy all, Super stoked to see a 'proper' editor added to the Description section of trello cards. Is there any chance we could get some sort of similar support in the comments themselves, further do...
Hi everyone, Yesterday my descriptions in Trello cards switched to a visual editor and I don't know how to switch them back. Could anyone help me? It´s the same for the app and browser. Thanks ...
...ows. Why is Confluence's WYSIWYG editor so limited? This is about content that is primarily and predominantly textual. It inverts the model to offer the user hundreds of widgets but no font s...
Hi all, We use an external writing assistant (spelling/grammar checking tool) when creating and editing documents in Confluence. There is a critical issue that prevents us from using this tool fully...
In the "create" view for a new ticket, the text boxes are Wiki markup: But when I edit a previously created ticket, the text area is Rich Text: I want both to be Rich Text. How do I c...
When creating a new issue this WYSIWYG editor shows up, unfortunately it always thumbnails copy/paste screenshots.... When editing this editor shows up, it is not the same like o...
1) Am I right that Server version of Confluence doesn't have this feature when every heading is highlighted as page anchor via #someAnchor 2) and new WYSIWYG is not available a...
Hi, I used to be able to indent text etc using indent buttons on the confluence editor. I've noticed the cloud confluence UI has recently been updated and I can no longer see these buttons or find w...
Hey folks, I often create stories via API and need to know the raw markup creation rules. The help documentation helps, but there are edge cases it doesn't cover. So What I often need to do is use wysiwyg...
Hello. We have been using JEditor for couple of years and want to get rid of it. I am trying to find the best way how to convert all fields from rich text to Wiki markup: HTML -> Wiki I have tri...
Hi, I've recently upgraded from 7.1 to 7.13 WYSIWYG editor is not available. When I did the upgrade on staging environment it came as default, as expected. On the live JIRA its n...
In a confluence editor I did added a link pointing slack:user?id=1&team_id=2 which is catched by slack and opens chat with desired person But after publishing document I do see link with href be...
When I edit and existing conflluence page, the browser also bring up the GUI editor. How can I edit a confluence page in a text file? Thank you, Lawrence
If I paste HTML containing images embedded via data: URIs into the WYSIWYG editor in Confluence 5.9.3, then… In the WYSIWYG editor, the embedded images are displayed correctly When v...
Hi There! Currently my tickets into a scrum project are able to custom the font style when editing an issue. However, I cannot see the same behavior for tickets/issues into a Kanban project. W...
Im developing a customized macro and found these errors during testing. Steps to reproduce the problem: Insert macro save it edit it and chose "cancel" delete it from page trying add a n...
I want to love JEditor, I really do, but if the ability to easily add images is limited to IE then its not a viable option. Most of our users do not use IE, intentionally, and for good reason.
Can someome tell me where I can get support for the editor in Confluence? It's not an understatement to say that the wysiwg editor makes me want to friggin kill someone. You can never get the damn ...
Hi everybody, I'm using Confluence 4.0. I'm trying to create a nested list like the one below: This is an example of a nested list with bullets and numbers I cannot create ...
...n the wysiwyg editor. What are my options? If this isn't something I can do as a Confluence user, what do I need to request from my Confluence administrators?
Hi there is it possible to activate a rich editor for jira issues description like already available in confluence? I thought it would be possible. Thanks for Help
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