Holla everyone, I’ve been using Trello for quite some time now, and while it’s often seen as just a simple task management tool, I’ve realized it can do so much more. Whether you’re working solo, ma...
A Wise Man Does A Foolish Thing!! Monday December 9th was a historical day... not only was it the first Trello moment in the #AYSTA series... not only was it co-hosted by the Co-F...
※本記事は、Vikki Ulmerが2024年10月16日に公開した英語記事「An update on product requests: bringing shadow IT controls to Trello and Bitbucket」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 組織管理者やエンタープライズ企業のお客様の要件に応えるため、Jira...
To meet the needs of our organization admins and enterprise customers, we launched product requests, a proactive shadow IT control for Jira, Confluence, and Jira Service Management’s (JSM) Cloud...
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