Hello, Please share information about trainers or training companies who specialize in imparting JIRA admin training in Bangalore. In-person, onsite training is preferred. thanks and ...
Hello, First off I know that this can be researched in the release notes, however, I am curious for people's opinions: I am planning an upgrade of both JIRA and Confluence (JIRA is currently on 5.2...
Our customers demand Certificated trainings. How can we apply in Atlassian for the right to provide certificated trainings ? We are Atlassian Experts, and we do provide various trainings. ...
Hi Atlassian, could you explain what does Choose Networks mean once an employee reqisters into the e-Learning center? Thanks, Peter
Hi. I am building a training space in Confluence, and have gotten hold of Microsoft tutorials, videos etc. for their Lync software. It is in the form of a zip file, with various files within it; eac...
We just upgraded from JIRA 3.xx to JIRA 6.xx. We need a consolidated training material to cover the following: 1) major difference btw 3 and 6. 2) Major advanced functionality in JIRA since v4-v6....
At the 2013 Summit, It was mentioned that there is a Jira Admin Certification Available or Coming Soon. Does anyone know if that has come to fruition or not and if so, where do I find information on ...
Some of the Atlassian University Jira training modules link to YouTube videos which are blocked in our organization. Is it possible to get the content offered within Atlassian University as a self-h...
I went through the Atlassian University registration process, but when I received the confirmation/welcome email, it was empty, and I can't re-register as it says the username is already taken. Any...
Hi. I signed up for Atlassian University a while back but have never been able to log in for some reason. I try to sign up using my email address and it tells me that I'm already registered. I ...
I really like the interactive CBTs that are available on Atlassian University. I was wondering what tool was used to build them?
I need to find out the cost, the process of getting our organisation trainied on Confluence. Since we have the enterprise product, is there a discount or a packaged product that can be made avaialbel...
I have completed all stages for DragonSlayer. If I would like to apply for a free T-shirt, I need to enter an "Invoce number", but I do not have such number as I used only evaluation licenses for all...
Hi! I read, that 28-30.september will be the Atlasian Camp event in California. But is there is a plan for some training in Europe (Finland, Sweden, German too?) For european is so far to come to...
Is is possible to get Atlassian University or any alternative JIRA training program as a self-hosted solution? One major problem that we are facing is the limited bandwidth to allow 600+ employees ...
Atlassian University has some really great features. I can see how many people in my company has graduated. But I can't seem to find their names? I would like to know more than a number, but the a...
Does Atlassian University provide training for JIRA administrators? If we have purched an unlimited license, can we have our business clients added to the user training? In JIRA admin training (i...
I saw the invitation screen upon setting up my account, but I skipped it. Now I can't see how to invite other company members into training. I was at the Summit, so will it be free for everyone in ...
e.g. If a customer intends to implement Jira over his company, and he wants to get all colaborators prepared to use that tool, does atlassian offer some kind of training?
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