We are a team of 10 members where the group is tagged for approval and if one of the member approved this Pull request rest of the members are still seeing this as a pending even one appr...
Hello Atlassian Community! I’m excited to kick off a discussion about how various teams within organizations utilize the same apps in different ways. It's fascinating to see how a single t...
I cannot find a full list of topics on the Teamwork Lab group. Another question: if I am not satisfied with the group I joint - how to leave that group?
For anyone at Team'24 or enjoying the live stream, you will have seen a LOT of announcements and discussion around AI and the power it can give you and your teams. If AI feels like a slightly daunt...
Buen dia Comunidad, Queria consultar si existe alguna manera de que JIRA compute el tiempo empleado por sprint para cada incidencia y no acumule el total. O si esto mismo se puede reflejar en algun ...
Hello, Please, I need to do an integration between the Jira Service Management Server and TeamWork systems. I think that with the Cloud version it is possible, but the Server version is not. It's t...
Hello all, As title, I wanna create a schedule of each team member which means the schedule could show me whats the next thing my colleague gonna do, the past thing he did or what is he doing now. H...
Some employees will not be willing to change or will be satisfied with very remote working concept. What can be done to increase the collaboration among colleagues
I have multiple shared teams across many projects. I am trying to create scrum boards for each shared team within a given project. I know I can currently filter by "Team[Team]" = X but this req...
If someone can explain while typing it in html--> <form> <p>Username</p> <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="username"> <p>Password</p> <in...
I like to create a new group on the Atlassian Community and the purpose of it should be to discuss Visual thinking when it comes to teamwork. How to explain things in a more clearer way with p...
Dobrý den, máte prosím někdo zkušenost s tím, že byste nad jednou stránkou potřebovali postavit velmi jednoduché schvalovací workflow? - východiskem je, že schválit daný požadavek - řádek v t...
Hi all! I'm Trish Sammer, the managing editor of Work Life. We're currently working on a post about icebreakers and why they're important. We'd love to hear from the Atlassian Community! Wha...
Can some one give me the topic for project plan? It should contains all this topics Cover page; Contents; 1. Introducing the project idea (Project scope) 2.&nb...
Coming together is a beginning. What do you think as Team? #happyweakend
What did you use to build community.atlassian.com? Is it a product an Atlassian customer can use in our own orgs?
Hi, We're testing out Jira and have added Insight into the mix. While trying to do a test upload, I inadvertently re-ran the csv import which duplicated a large number of items. Is there a way to er...
The team aded my email but I cant find them
when I try to log in trello, it goes on a loop and never comes out.
Hi there, I'm having trouble importing data for insight using csv file import. I'm either getting this error: Cannot update a nonexistent object having key null or this o...
Hi, I would like to know the method through which i can integrate Trello with JaaS( Jira as a service). Also when we log in to JaaS we need to connect via VPN and have a SSO instance set up hence wa...
Is there an easy way to bulk move data from one field to another and append it to the bottom of a comment field? I tried to figure it out with the bulk move feature but was not successful in figuring...
What is the differences between story point estimate and story point fields? How come there is only the story point estimate in Next Gen? Which data field is used in the classic reports? I a...
...istributed team, what were the most important teamwork areas to re-imagine? What rituals or changes have helped with team cohesion, alignment, inclusivity, and engagement? What hasn't worked w...
My team have X% of time allocated to Support & Maintenance each month. Is it possible to use the team allocation feature to account for that? I've adjusted the allocation % for each team member i...
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