In extension of the Three Cs of Communication by @Rose Eliff , which focus on the "sender" role.. The "Receiver" role in a communication process is at least as important as the "Sender" r...
Tip: Whether in an email, voicemail or on conference call, when communicating with others remember: Be Clear Be Concise Be Correct Relevance: After reading an email or being in a conferenc...
Advice: Always give yourself and your team enough time to think and organize your work-life schedule in a balanced and efficient way. Relevance for today: With the re...
Advice: Use every day or at least every other day 15 minutes for an informal exchange within your team, just like you would chat at your office coffee machine. Relevance for ...
Advice Data points don't tell a full story, and as humans, we often fill in the gaps based on what we think is most likely true. However, this mad libs exercise is often taken as fact when we were ...
As a SME and developer customizing JIRA on a daily basis a good understanding of the processes of team I am creating the project for is so very exponentially important. It is amazing how teams just d...
Advice Einstein said once: “I Would Spend 55 Minutes Defining the Problem and then Five Minutes Solving It”. When your team try to see results, taking time to define the real problem or main ...
It's the teams responsibility to make sure everyone else in the team is okay, encourage the whole team to check-in on each other occasionally, let's bring back those water-cooler moments.
Advice We all know the feeling of “FOMO” or fear of missing out when it comes to working. You may feel like your entire work will crumble without you steering every single thing on time and ...
Advice Organizations must take Mental Health Safety just as seriously as physical safety and adopt a risk management approach by identifying Psychosocial Hazards in their workplace. When I talk...
My tip for 2022 more effectively working with teams is to ensure that all members of the team have an opportunity on stage. That is ensure that each member has a chance to run your regular meetings. ...
Advice We cannot choose the emotions or feelings we are going to feel. But when we think we can know the reason and start dealing with it or try and go our way confidently. Relevance for today No ...
The Lesson: With remote and hybrid work, we're all using different tools in different ways. Even if you've been working a certain way since the initial shift-to-remote in 2020, it's okay to raise y...
Advice We can't always see what's going on in someone else's life, but we should assume that everyone is working toward the same goal with the best of intentions. Even if it appears that some...
Advice Ensure psychological safety as broadly as possible, so that people/the team feel free to fail. Of course the important part is to learn from it. Incorporate fun with a Fail Wall...or the li...
Advice It's hard to say "no." Especially in a work setting. Years of conditioning have led us to struggle with an irrational fear of disappointing our boss or co-workers. "Can you jump on a q...
Advice Whether you are a manager of people, or the managed, you need to seek opportunity for elevating your skills and value to remain relevant and in growth mode. Relevancy for today Wit...
Advice Creat confluence page for every topic or concept that you work on the day to day basis or the work you find repetitive and also which you find interesting while you are working on something ...
Advice When you have a thorough understanding of any concept and you are sure of in and outs, I assist you not to backup from any advice you need to give your teammates and this will surely help th...
Advice What I'm about to point out is everyone has their way of working and achieving the goal or given set of tasks. The only focus should be whether the logic is right and how efficient the solut...
Advice You choose your teammates/coworkers as much as you choose your family. Not at all. But what we can choose is to make the most of it. Be yourself, be compassionate, and be present. Assume posi...
Advice Albert Einstein said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." Now more than ever, we need to build teams that don't just tolerate change, they love it. And we need to support...
Remote work and WFH isn't going away. If you haven't adapted, now it's the right time to do it! Act now! -- For years I've been a big fan of co-located teams and loved going to the office. ...
Advice Think It through, Get It Done, Be Nice, Have Fun i.e. Ideas need to team buy in and contribution, and then delivered as a team In doing so, be respectful, and ensure everyone enjoys working...
Advice When we join new companies (new departments, teams, office locations), we often bring curiosity in a way that might challenge the status quo. However, it is that "newness" that adds growth a...
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