...ut" stage in the beginning of a plan that pulled source code from git, any local agent worker was able to run the following stages and use the same source code. I have a "heavy" source code c...
Our query is regrading Bitbucket pipeline. We have defined steps(install,build,test and deply) in a stage under definition. Now under pipelines -> branches we want it to be called/re-use. But s...
...0:32.000) before task started (2021-12-02 15:20:52.626) This appears to be happening because I have my unit test execution running in a stage before my unit test parsing. The parser finds the .trx f...
...est1', then the current state is: myapplication/test1/file1.kt What I found in source tree is that two sections appear: one with staged files, where the change has been detected as a rename a...
When I click on stage or unstage it blinks but nothing happens. When I try to commit, I receive this message: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks c...
Hello community! I've set the Stages and Skills for my teams in Portfolio but I cannot seem to make exclusions for specific Epics when estimating on the Scope view. Since skill b...
Hi, is it possible to version stages in Bamboo? We adjust our stages and jobs contionously and if I would like to build a project from a year ago I would like to use the stage that was active at t...
Hey there, Just noticed that when I try and stage a certain hunk of code through sourceTree and push those changes sourceTree will stage and commit all changes within the file. Is this a k...
Hi, I'm new to Jira administrator function and I'd need to upgrade Jira from 7.6 to 7.12. But as I've never done that before, I'd like to test the upgrade first in a virtual server not to mess up th...
So forgive me but I am struggling with the stages and skills in portfolio on how to use them properly. Many of our backlog items require Development of 3 different types some require 2 o...
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