When I try to use the pipe atlassian/aws-sam-deploy:2.4.1 with the "--parameter-overrides" option I get the error: "No such option: --parameter-overrides environment Did you mean --parameter-override...
This is a non-blocking issue, but we just had a whole lot of automated PRs request we upgrade our serverless dependency from 3.* -> 4.* from Snyk due to 2+ vulnerabilities at a medium priority a...
I have a serverless app that uses Poetry for package management. I am using bitbucketpipelines/serverless-deploy:1.5.0 to deploy my serverless app. When I try to deploy, I get this e...
The serverless-deploy pipe currently uses `python:3.10-slim` for its Docker image. I use the serverless-deploy pipe to deploy serverless applications, and I'm looking to upgrade our L...
Hi there, I am trying to deploy my backend using atlassian/serverless-deploy:1.5.0. But I am getting the following error : Can somebody help resolve this error please? The other thing is it d...
Following the example in the serverless-deploy documentation, I've added the following code to my pipeline: - echo 'npm install serverless-lift@1.*' > .install-sls-plugins.sh # - echo 'cat serverless...
I have a pipeline step that already successfully updates a lambda. However, I just tried the example where we subsequently get the version number and assign an alias to it in the same step. The secon...
Hey there, According to the atlassian/serverless-deploy:1.2.0 (https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/serverless-deploy/src/master/), to set different Serverless configuration file we should define C...
@mention So I'm creating my custom pipeline using pipe integration and environmental variables I created. There's a testing, staging and production, environmental variable thanks to the ad...
Hello Bitbucket. My team is currently using the atlassian/aws-lambda-deploy image for lambda deployment. Our lambda functions deploy but the default directory/filepath does not allow ou...
I'm trying to deploy to the new serverless console, which requires serverless v3 npm module. Do you think it would be possoble to realease a new version of the serverless deployment pipeline to u...
Hello, while trying to deploy a serverless v3 project to AWS I get the following error: Status: Downloaded newer image for bitbucketpipelines/serverless-deploy:1.1.1 INFO: Deploying your serverless...
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