When running atlassian/bitbucket-dependency-scanner:0.6.0 in our Bitbucket Pipelines, the scanner detects vulnerabilities in the Hangfire.MySqlStorage package but does not generate a C...
Hi, using version 0.4.1 of renovate-scan, the pipeline works, but not with version 0.7.0. It is using the recommended configurations: options: docker: true s...
We are using Bitbucket pipelines in combination with a private repository hosted on S3. Although the renovate product supports S3 hosted repositories just fine, it does not work for the pipe. The rea...
I am using bitbucket renovate scan pipe in my bitbucket-pipeline yaml. Added all necessary environment variables as mentioned below. Still getting 401 Unauthorized error. R...
Hi team, I have a question regarding the use of the renovate/renovate:37.6-full image in our Renovate scan pipeline. Is it necessary to continue using this specific version? Additionally, is it p...
Hi, here: https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/renovate-scan/src/6a34b2daf021cd551ebe95fa135b76e933e7125d/Dockerfile#lines-1 Why not use the Renovate slim docker image? Or an option to choose?
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