...bsp; https://ace.atlassian.com/quiz-wiz/ To assist you with your test prep, here are the questions and answers from this session for your studying pleasure! Question 1)&n...
...t; Recap | Video You can stay on top of more Live Learning and Quiz Wiz events by joining their groups on ace.atlassian.com. You can also join the Quiz Wiz community o...
Welcome to September everyone! In many places this begins the changing of the seasons, but before we welcome Fall, let’s remember the end of Summer in style. Our second #AYSTACA saw 90+ folks compet...
...alpable as minds collide and strategies unfold. RSVP at - https://ace.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-quiz-wiz-presents-qw2-round-2-team-everest-vs-trello-human-after-all/ Subscribe f...
Hello CommunityFam, I know I am a bit late in posting this here.. but I wanted to share that #ACEQuizWiz is back with season 2! ..and this this time with double trouble tag team edition. This t...
Greetings Everyone!! I am a new user at Atlassian Community. I am excited to work with all of you. Regards
Click on the video link below to watch the full highlights. https://youtu.be/XGStLwF4T_8
Our security group sent out a quiz and some of the people are showing they passed but no score. For auditing purposes we need to have the scores show up with the quiz they took the two examples I a...
Hello beautiful community members, Announcing 'Quiz Wiz'- a zoom quiz show, exclusively for the #AtlassianCommunity. Where every two weeks, we will host a show on Zoom, a...
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