I have a pair of PDFs generated by Visio (Save As PDF...) Neither of them displays in the PDF macro (just a white block where the diagram should be, but the viewer buttons show up ok). All text i...
...hould find the issue don't. I know that there was a pdf attachment in this issue. Is there any way to search for issues with a pdf attachment?
Hi, I've just upgraded my Jira (for personal use) to 5.0 along with the supported version of "PDF Viewer" (1.6.0). And now I can't get the included (but optional) dispatch template to work. I...
Hi there, I'd like to hide specific macros, like the attachment macro, when I export a page or a space to PDF. Is there an easy solution or do I have to use the "NoPrint" workaround (create a u...
How can I get the Page Title to show up in the PDF Export Title Page please.
Hi I've just upgraded to confluence 4.1 (from 4.0.5) and on start-up the content is reindexed. I can see from confluence log the following pdfbox warning/exception: 2012-01-06 10:08:10,383 W...
Hi, I often need to share a Confluence page with non-Confluence users. I have to Export to PDF, then attach the PDF to an email. Given the amount of times I do this, it would be great to do this p...
I have a follow up question that I submitted last Thursday. I exported my pages to a PDF file and inserted a page break using the following method. h1 { page-break-before: always; } h...
Our wiki consists of various topics. Each topic has a header, a screen shot of the dialog, and a table that explains the options in the screen shot. When I export the space into a PDF file, the h...
Confluence documentation describes how to add cover page to PDF export. This is done through "Customising the PDF Layout" and "Customising the PDF Stylesheet". Examples show this with static string....
I test the latest version confluence. i want add a large pdf file(about 11MB) in page, use PDF macro and sharpview pdf macro, but all canot show this pdf file on the page.Butif i reduce the PDF f...
After I export to pdf and then convert the pdf to Word, all the styles are gone and everything is "Normal." This prevents me from tinkering with the doc and then recreating a TOC. Any way to r...
I'm using Confluence 3.5.13 for an application documentation project and I find that when I go to output a selection of pages using the Advanced-Export > PDF Export functionality, some of my p...
An example in the Confluence doc shows how to customize the PDF style sheet header so that the page title is at the top. Note that the content: for the title is a text string. Since this is d...
How can I control page breaks when creating a pdf? Thanks
The font size when you print the PDF Export is tiny. How do you increase this size via Stylesheet?
Hi All, A couple questions: Is there a way to customize the PDF stylesheet or the header/footer so that it will include the byline (added by xxx last edited by xxx on such such date) in the PDF...
We create documentation for our product in Confluence and publish it online in a publicly available Confluence install. For those customers who may not have access to it or who prefer doc in book f...
Please I need help with this. Everything works fine unless I add an image to the header or the footer of my space. When I do this and I generate a PDF all the text is in bold. If there are no i...
I need to create a PDF stylesheet for my Confluence site, and am a bit of a CSS dummy. Does anyone have an example they can post of theirs, which includes the following: Title Page with image T...
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