I've been missing a certain type of view for a while now. Above projects I was able to create an "overview" view in which I could choose individual projects. In the overview view I c...
Hello, In a Project you can select the timeline Tab and filter a specific assigned person. Wich I really like to get an overwiew for my work schedule. downsight I have tasts assigned to me i...
Hi, I am new to Confluence and one of the things I want to use this for is project management. While creating roadmaps and status overviews per project I am wondering whether it is possible to m...
Hello, Is there a way to add a page displaying all articles (pages) from any space within a Confluence Cloud instance? Additional infomation such as the authors name would be great. I've tried ...
Is there a way to export metadata overview (in confluence cloud) in an excel compatible file? In confluence server we had the option. I have tried with excel export add-ins without success. The m...
Hi to all of you, I want to publish the overviewpage of a specific space, but it gives me always the error: "This content cannot be accessed... Your session may have expired. Log back in or s...
Added a label to an overview page. Usually on a page there would be labels in the bottom right and we could remove it, but on the overview there isnt such an option. When I used the /label listing t...
Most of my company's spaces have an Overview page built-in as part of the top-most navigation (not part of the lower page tree, but just above 'space settings' at the top). There is one space that d...
After I filed my home page, it was in an overview and I was unable to put another one in place. Is it possible for me to put the page back ?
I have projects in JIRA Core Cloud and want to create hierarchy between issues to provide a better overview. Adding Iintiaves/Epics doesn't seem possible as, by default, only Tasks and Sub-Tasks a...
I am new to using Confluence and find the lack of an overview of the contents tree very frustrating? All you are able to see is a very narrow slice of the contents tree. Quite frustrating when I a...
Hi, we would like to set up for each user of our JIRA, an pre created kanban board with all their issues were they are assigned/ linked to. How can we set up that? I added an image ...
We use this in an agency setting so we have multiple team members that have tasks on several different boards. We also have multiple departments in each board ranging from PR to creative and digital ...
...'d like to be able to see which team members are assigned to tasks across all boards so i can more easily get an overview and redistribute the workload as needed.
Hi there! Who can tell me how can I make some dashboard or overview tool? I'v create my boards, lists and tasks. And I need somehow to see all my to-do's (from different boards), doings ane done's a...
We have different Corporate Release dates in our Release Calendar All Jira projects are assigned to one of the future Corporate Release Dates So Projects A, C, D can be assigned to future Relea...
...ot tasks. So every project has a starting date and end date and the gantt chart only shows this data. I only found solutions for displaying a gantt chart with the tasks of a project, but not an overview...
There is supposed to be an Overview option on the left (above Source) so you can then select "I have an existing repository." I want to upload a git repository from my computer to BitBucket, but I d...
Hi, i have a weird behaviour that for some spaces when i open them from the spaces list, or with normal hyperlink that ends with space shortcut it takes me directly to the homepage/overview of t...
Is it possible to get an overview of all mentions, a little similar to the overview of tasks? Especially handy when being mentioned in remarks, so I do not have to go through all documentation f...
My repository in bitbucket doest't show the "overview page". Like image show
Would it be possible in a Bitbucket repository (in browser) to display another file than the README.md in the overview page? E.g. I have a CHANGELOG.md and would prefer to display this one instead o...
I have trello boards in place for work stations within my factory. i am looking to combine the into one over view if possible? i have been looking at Kanban tool which has swim lanes.... can trello...
...alled the space "PublicWiki". I then edited the Overview page to change the name to "Our Wiki Home". It shows that way on the edited page. If I go to the Space Tools the Home Page is "Our Wiki Home"&n...
Hi guys, i created a documentation space. This site has a overview page but can only be accessed if go on a child page and click via the root in the header of the page on the overview site....
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