Hi; I looked confluence doc. for oauth in that link https://developer.atlassian.com/display/CONFDEV/Confluence+JSON-RPC+APIs and https://developer.atlassian.com/display/CONFDEV/Confluence+REST+A...
Where do you add OAuth tokens in Stash? For instance the ssh keys are easy to add via your profile. I also see there "show Oauth tokens" but i have no button to "add" these tokens. Can someone s...
We've set up "Trusted Application" and "oAuth" between JIRA and Confluence. JIRA filters in Confluence work fine, but issue links from JIRA to Confluence are forbidden. Any hint, how to configure t...
...et the Consumer Name, the Consumer Key and the Public Key. Now I am trying to access JIRA from my Google Docs Script using the URLFetchApp class. I can register an oauth configuration. I did set all t...
Is there a way to configure Jira on demand to connect to multiple github user accounts? I can set up the first account but I can only see one place to put in the Github provided Client ID and Client...
After following the steps for setting up Github Oath I tried to 'refresh list' but was greeted by an error page that said it could not retrieve the list of repositories.
I'm planning a site where users from the general public (not my organisation) will participate. Due to the nature of content they will need to register. A lot of people find another account and p...
Hi, I am new to Jira Rest API and i am running Jira 5.1. Is it possible to do oAuth authentication process using Jquery ajax from another genric application? In this link JIRA REST API E...
What is the OAuth version used in JIRA 4.4.5 and JIRA 4.4.3 versioins?
...'m a bit confused right now. Some concrete questions I have: 1. Is this possible? 2. When I configure an application link in JIRA, in the incoming OAuth tab I set the consumer key, consumer name, a...
I would like to implement an OAuth gadget that consumes resources from an external, non-Atlassian service provider. I am familiar with the OAuth specification on service providers and consumers. H...
...dded as a generic application using OAuth for incoming authentication. I have been unable to get Jira to accept a Public Key for the Jenkins app. What little information I've found suggests that the Public...
Hi, I am trying to get Jira gadgets onto Liferay Portal. But I am facing issues in Jira accepting Public key. I generated public key using Puttygen and saved the public key. In Jira - Opened J...
Hi all, Does anyone know, how to configure the Liferay side if i want to integrate a JIRA gadget in an Liferay 6 open social container? I was successful in defining the public key myrsacert.pem i...
Hi, Having a website configured as a "provider" in Jira OAuth configuration. What must I do after? how can I use it? must I create a customfield or maybe a gadget? thanks for the replyes
I am using a reverse proxy that is adding X-Forward-For into the headers, but the OAuth doesn't appear to respect this, causing me to not be able to use the proxied URLs between atlassian tools. F...
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