Are you enthusiastic about marketing and proficient in digital strategy and lead generation? Do you relish working in demanding environments where creativity and data-driven decision-making coexist? ...
To register as a member, you should receive an email from, but the email is not available. Is there a way to receive emails?
...rying to identify why we get that error, when it appears everything is in order. So, I'm trying to join 3 tables: Jira Sprint, Sprint, and Anchor Sprint but I feel like I'm missing a FK or any a...
...he next step, I want to use that two filters in other queries like this "Epic Link" = MyEpic AND filter IN (A,B) This output is a full outer join with all the issues from filter A and filter B b...
Hello, I've been trying to join my friend's workspace multiple times to no avail. My friend had deleted some members from his workspace and refresh the link multiple times too, but this keep s...
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