Hello Community, we are currently doing a Cloud Migration and are experiencing problems with the app Capture for Jira. First, the migration got stuck at 0%, after which we canceled the migration of t...
I would like to set up the system in such a way that when a customer needs Support, the first page that he sees is a ticket submission. I don't want to create barrier to where he needs to login....
Is it possible to add required fields in Capture? Or do I have to add the required fields in the project, so Capture will take them?
Hi, I am evaluating JIRA Capture and cannot figure out where Templates come into play. A bug is a bug and has a fixed set of information to capture (Severity/Reproducibility/Steps to Reproduce /Spri...
I have couple of scenarios where i need to verify the page title, JIRA capture doesn't grab entire browser window, hence i couldn't fetch the title for page. Is there a way i can capture pag...
We are looking for an add-on which allows following scenario User find a bug in a product User accesses JIRA and creates an issue User selects some operation on the menu 'Capture video' ...
Although I've deselected some fields in a template, they are still shown, when I use the template. This is problematic, because it will irritate our users. What am I doing wrong? The fields are not...
Hi We've recently started using capture for JIRA for our testing, however we've encountered an issue where we only seem to be able to add related issues from one project into a test session. As I a...
How do we note that a test passed or failed? Can we search for all failed tests?
In capture for one project I have the ability to assign the task to someone, however this particular project is the only one that has this functionality. I would like to be able to find out how to ap...
Hi! I'm starting using JIRA Capture and I wanna know if it's possible to add browser logs (console content etc) to the created Jira. I need logs for Chrome and Firefox. That's possible? &nbs...
螢幕快照 2015-07-06 下午2.57.06.png
If I am logged into my company JIRA via a Google account authorization- how can I use JIRA Capture? It expects an email based user/password combination.
If we use CAPTURE to record our user stories (requirements) is there a way to compile all of them for a specific project into a single document that can be printed and signed off by the end user?
I have enabled the field JIRA Capture URL, but it is empty (I use Safari 8.0.2). We need to get the url for a screenshot included automatically in the issue!
When two of the users are trying to log into JIRA Capture with the correct Server URL and the correct Username/Password they are receiving a 400 Error. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Error ...
The use case is that when one of my management team creates a ticket from JIRA Capture, it needs to be automatically approved to work on using the "Approved" step in our enhanced workflow. Is this po...
Screenshot shows all in white with 15 Javascript Errors: SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by excalibur://markup/ie/ie-excaliburCanvas.html etc. ending with: Line44 Err...
Am I able to edit test cases if the test case or issue is not assigned to me?
Unable to create an issue with JIRA Capture and Firefox version 32.0.3. It just sits and spins while creating an issue.
My QA staff can login to bonfire (JIRA Capture), take screen shots but when he goes to submit the ticket, it will not allow it. It appears to time out. He said this has always been an issue bu...
From the dcumentation https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CAPTURE/Working+with+Sessions#WorkingwithSessions-AssigningSessions, "For each user, only one session can be active at one time." So, ...
Looking to use these two together & wondering if they play nice with each other.
I'm having trouble with some of my users not being able to capture screens using Jira capture. It just stopped working. We've tried uninstalling/reinstalling and it just doesn't capture a picture a...
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