I often use the include page macro. After inserting the macro, you have to enter the title of the desired page in a search field. Unfortunately, there are cases where this does not work reliably, e...
...rom pipeline to pipeline, which, as developers, we know is a horrible practice. I'd much rather have a repository filled with YAML snippets which then various pipelines could include in them instead....
Hi I work with a lot of "page include" macros in the documents and when I try to edit the final result I have a problem with matching text with the correct macro placeholder. It's not a big d...
It appears that "Table Excerpt" & "Table Excerpt Include" macros were part of Confluence at some point. What happened to them and why were they removed? Is there a macro that I can u...
Hello, I have included some pages into my page. In included pages, the headings are written in "Heading 1 " font size while I need them in "Heading 3" font size. Is there any way to do this?
Hey Community, when I use the include page macro to mirror a page, most of the emojis of the source page won't be displayed correctly on the target page, only a star-symbol instead. I...
Our company uses confluence 7.2.1. When I add the include page macro manually on a page with the correct settings (space:content block), the macro works. We curently use templates w...
I have included my JS file in my webresource atlassian XML like so in bold: <web-resource key="jira-custom-field-example-resources" name="jira-custom-field-example Web Resources"> <d...
Hi, I made an announcement from the home page by creating a separate page and, from within the announcement, use the "include page" macro to the separate page I created. Everything is p...
I have a Page Text Text IMAGE Text Text When including with Include Page Macro, I get: Text Text IMAGEText Text Onyl workarround is aligning the image in center, but is n...
We have an issue with the 'Page properties report' macro's, we make use of a specific 'label' in the 'current space' and 'including text' but since today that doesn't seem to work anymore and we see ...
Hi! I'm using include page macro and the layout is off and doesn't mirror the original page. (ORIGINAL PAGE) (INCLUDE PAGE)
The Include Page macro seems to ignore formatting and table sorting. The width is also broken. Is this an existing issue? See below original page: See edit page for new p...
I'd like to place a paragraph from page A into page B and set it up so that when the paragraph in page is revised it's automatically reflected in what I put in page B.
I am trying to use the Content by Label Macro and add a filter by text however, the exact phrase includes letters, numbers and a symbol. I am unable to filter the exact phrase. Example - I...
...ryan, via a page include. I'm so glad he did, because it's heavily relied on by users to search only the current space. Over time, I've made some updates to it and now other space admins are adopting t...
Especially for use in "child pages" (e.g. options) for respective "parent pages" (e.g. decisions), I may want to include some property of the parent page in some page property value of the child. E...
...sers go to their other Space (it's very complex and details many things we do not use), or duplicating that content, I would like to use the Include Page macro to include the content while ensuring i...
Hello, I would like to use information on some pages and have that information be repeated in other space pages. It seems that the Include Page macro would do this for me and it seems to work w...
...ndicate "Initiation" Now, when the main page that has the "Include Page" macro on it is displayed the color changes from purple, to grey.... thus removing the needed effect of a status...&n...
Hello together, I have a Web-Blog with about 100 Pages and I would like to "move" all these Pages to Confluence. Is there a possibility to paste the HTML-Source code from the Web-Blog pages, ...
...rojects. The current idea I have (originating from here) is to use excerpt-include or include page to include multiple template pages (from a template Space (TS)) to build up a project page. One t...
...ur bamboo project with "Change detection options"'s "Include only changes that match" a regex of this ^autoscale\/.* This seems to work correctly for when code is committed to the master branch but i...
It is posible to receive a notification when a page is include with the include page macro?
Hi, I'm trying to put the Page Include Macro inside a template. The documentation at https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf613/include-page-macro-964960833.html indicates that if the p...
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