Your customers need to know when your software isn't working as expected - but knowing what to say or how to say it isn't always easy, especially in the heat of the moment. To help make incide...
Hi Community friends, We're working on sourcing more reviews on Capterra – a popular software review site – to help teams like yours make more informed decisions when choosing an inc...
If you’ve ever been tasked with writing a status update when things are on fire you know that it’s hard. It’s often urgent, stressful, and requires conveying clear and accurate communication (of...
Statuspage has helped thousands of customers improve their incident communication, so we know first-hand the critical role a status page plays in keeping customers in the loop. But what ...
Hi there, I'm Jake and I'm a Customer Success Manager on the Statuspage team. We're posting a series of blogs and prompts to help you improve your incident communication process, learn from other fol...
Hi there, I'm Jake and I'm a Customer Success Manager on the Statuspage team. We're posting a series of blogs and prompts to help you improve your incident communication process, learn from other fol...
Hi there, I'm Jake and I'm a Customer Success Manager on the Statuspage team. We're posting a series of blogs and prompts to help you improve your incident communication process, learn from other fol...
When things go wrong with our products, we want to make sure our customers (you!) are kept in the loop from ‘investigating’ through ‘resolved.' We’ve always aimed to do this through Atlassian’s stat...
Hi there, I'm Jake and I'm a Customer Success Manager on the Statuspage team. We're posting a series of blogs and prompts to help you improve your incident communication process, learn from other fol...
Hi there, I'm Jake and I'm a Customer Success Manager on the Statuspage team. We're posting a series of blogs and prompts to help you improve your incident communication process, learn from other fol...
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