...ishing we had known about #HUGOPS back then, it definitely would have come in handy :) Having also been on the other side of the coin as the client, I was extremely patient with IT Service Desk staff, a...
If you’ve ever been tasked with writing a status update when things are on fire you know that it’s hard. It’s often urgent, stressful, and requires conveying clear and accurate communication (of...
Happy love day, community friends! 💌💘🤗 It's officially been 365 day of spreading the #HugOps love. Can you believe it?! Time flies when you're supporting and appreciating i...
...Open incident communication is becoming more and more important to companies and their customers. This is underlined by the big names who have set up a public Statuspage this year like&n...
...e love the HugOps movement so much. HugOps exalts empathy, cross-team collaboration, and trust as the keys to finding problems and shipping solutions faster. It comes to life as a hashtag o...
Happy Valentine's Day, Atlassian Community! 💘Sending you all lots of #HugOps from the Statuspage team. Hold up...What's HugOps?! #HugOps is a hashtag used p...
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