Issue Summary: I am attempting to define a restartPolicy for one of my containers in an ECS task definition, but I am encountering the following error: Unknown parameter in c...
Version of boto3 used in the last version of pipe does not support the parameter "enableFaultInjection" of task definition added in the version 1.35.83 of boto3 (
...gents that we want to know: 1 - ¿It is possible to use a current AWS ECS engine in our AWS account as a Kubernetes cluster in where Ephemereal Agents and pods could be mount? 2 - ¿How much will it c...
Hi there, I understand aws-ecs-deploy works only with an ECS service, i. e. it deploys to that service. I do not have a service but a task that gets started via EventBridge, so I'd like to deploy t...
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