We use Jira Studio. We have unit tests that require 2GB or more to run. All of the elastic bamboo AMI's we find in EC2 published by atlassian are 32 bit (ec2-describe-images -o 200193376361). In ord...
Hi there, We have recently upgraded the JIRa 4.0.1 to JIRA 4.4.1 . But after migration i have noticed that emails coming for issues are not have the same format what we had in 4.0.1 . Is there any ...
I'm evaluating the OnDemand suite of services for my employer, specifically Jira, Confluence and GreenHopper. I would much rather use Mercurial than Subversion as a code repository, however, so I've...
hi, after installing Jira Subversion plugin, i am trying to add a new repository, and i am confused about the display name and repository root, can i change the display name later ? and what to enter...
JIRA fields (specifically the Description field) doesn't display intentional extra spaces. Example: EVTS Gold Service Upgrade - Emergency service dispatch In the line above, there are two spaces ...
Hi, how are you? Do anyone know how to do this? We have custom fields (let's use e.g : priority) and we want that when someone creates a ticket, a label /explanatory text appears before a custom f...
I've just subscribed to a trial version and selected Bonfire as an option too, but I can't seem to find it in the menu, when I log in. How can I access it and what are the steps to start testing with...
I really want my company to move our instances of Confluence and Crowd to OnDemand. However, my network engineer has a serious concern about the "outside the firewall" dangers. What sort of security ...
It's our team's practice that all jira items contain the following standard text to increase level of detail for ability to duplicate an issue: ************************* STEPS TO REPRO: 1. ...
Does JIRA integrate with basecamp?
1. How do I set the email notifications to use the HTML template? 2. Can I customize the fields/content that's in the email notification? 3. Can I change the structure of the subject line?
Is there a command that would ONLY tie svn commit source files to a specific issue? e.g. not #comment or #time because they cause extra things to happen, i would like to just commit so that my ...
I tried to import an export from our local JIRA to OnDemand. Files are available in our WebDAV directory. Everything worked fine until the very end of the import, where I got a JIRA Import Wizard - E...
I'm using the trial of the on demand suite and I've created a project, when I create a post in Confluence and try to insert a Jira issue, the project drop down doesn't have anything in it?
We're evaluating the product and I'm stumped on this one...
The Attachment field is on my Configure Screen page, but I don't see it when I create or view an issue. Any suggestions? Thanks, Zoltan
Hello, first things first - congrats to the neat integration of all my beloved dev tools in one hosted webapp setup ... just signed up my trial month for ondemand ... are there any plans to suppor...
Is it just rename/rebrand or there are some significant changes in platform?
Hi Atlassian, Just saw the announcement about onDemand.. So, since I'm one member of a long-time open-source project, I would love to enjoy this solution. We're currently migrated our project fr...
We are wanting to use Confluence for a couiple fo things, some of which we would like to share to our customer/partner population. I know I can set a default sapce for them but I would also like to ...
Just received your onDemand announcement email. Overall it sounds great but the fact that you are removing the ability for us to use our own domain name is going to force us to cancel our subscript...
I'm using a hosted jira solution (onjira) as my ticketing system. Also I have an application with which I've successfully integrated our Crowd setup for SSO. This is on my dedicated app boxes. I'm pl...
...o configure it. We use public and private repositories, so it should support that too. There is the JIRA GitHub Connector, but it is listed as compatible with JIRA 4.4.1, not 4.4, while we have v...
I have an internal SVN repository that I would like to allow external users to collaborate on privately. It seems like BitBucket is just the tool for this purpose, but I'm having trouble figuring ou...
Email Notification Stopped working after changing the title under general configurations http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+JIRA+Options Any idea? Thanks
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