Hi everybody, is there an easy way to clone an issue from one project to another one?
Hi - can I duplicate a project? Basically, we'd like to create a template project - so that when we go to create a new project we don't have to recreate the wheel. thanks
Hello everybody, did anyone else encounter this problem in JIRA 4.4? When we want to clone an issue, we receive the following error: Exception: net.java.ao.sql.ActiveObjectSqlException: j...
Hi, Running Jira v4.3.4#620-r152668 here. When we clone an issue, the original estimate field is carrying over into the new, cloned issue. Per Atlassian's documentation, "Details such as time t...
I'm wondering if there is a way to hide the clone/move/link activities from a certain users. We currently have a production project for client visibility, and we would like to link internal t...
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