I'm not able to print my issues using Agile Issue Printer. It all shows empty cards. In case you need more info, please let me know. Regards, Gert-Jan
We had a evaluation license for Agile Cards that expired. We bought a real licens but it has not appered on Atlassian after a week, still only an evaluation license there. How long time is itt s...
We running a Cloud version and while we can setup Card colours they don't appear to change our boards.
...sed the Agile Cards plugin for printing on Avery Labels? If yes how did you get it to work?
Hello, I have a template with three cards. In each cards I would like to put some "required" fields, but is it possible to force the 'save' button after the completion of each tabs? So each tab i...
Hi , Ive 2 project i use GreenHopper i modifed Card view to include all these options : Issue Key Summary Remove Field Version Remove Field Assignee Remove F...
I'd like to extent the color (currently found in a tiny sliver on the left of the card) to be the entire card color but can't fnd a place to do this. Any ideas?
I'm using the JIRA 6 greenhopper boards (kanban/scrum). Is it possible to change the cards to show in a more compact view (like you used to be able to do on the old task boards) so I can fit more o...
When trying to print Agile Cards via: https://www.example.com/jira/sr/com.spartez.scrumprint.scrumplugin:searchrequest-scrumprint-current-fields-a4/temp/SearchRequest.pdf?jqlQuery=key+in+(LHO3-9...
I've created a few tabs with tables within but the border is not appearing, it's just blank. Any clue? http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/5666/screenshot20130405at120.png http://i.stack.imgur.com/...
Hello community, on the card-style view I added the field "description" to the cards. When I am printing those cards (in classic view with the options in the yellow box) only the first line of t...
Hello, While testing our search results, we noticed that text in an Expand Title, as well as the Card Label are not returned in the search. Since these are normally used as headings for s...
I have a request to add a field to a card in GreenHopper. If I add the same field to a screen tied to the ticket/card, and the field value is changed in the card, will the field value change be r...
We use the deck/card macros to create tabs on our pages and this has been working okay on 3.5.16. However we are testing out new upgrade 4.3 and the pages dont render these macros as before. This i...
When using the addon "Agile Cards" I encounter the following problem when creating a cards PDF Steps: Agile --> Scrum board: PLAN Press the PRINTER button (Agile Cards (PDF) - Print s...
Hi, In the new board, is there a way to customize the fields you want to display is a card ? This is possible ans very usefull is the Agile Classic. Regards
We take turns running our scrum so we'd like anyone, not just the assignee, to be able to move a rapidboard card. Unfortunately, we can't figure out how to do this.
I have information organized by cards (deck-card macro) and I would like to add links to specific cards from other pages. Is that possible or should I use a different macro to organize the i...
I'm using JIRA 4.2.4 and G.H. 5.4 out of the box. I set myself as a JIRA admin and added myself to the groups jira-users and jira-administrators. I created a project, some versions, created a card...
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