Hey there! As the year ends, we’re reflecting on what truly matters—coming together to create a positive impact. We’re proud to share that this year Communardo and bitvoodoo have been listed as p...
...eapon within your favorite Atlassian products. But how are people using this powerful tool? We at bitvoodoo are curious to hear your thoughts! Let us know in the comments below what you use A...
We've recently updated the Viewtracker app for Confluence. The update includes a feature to block certain users, using user groups, from being tracked for analytics purposes. Our spaces want to track...
Hello everybody i wrote a velocity template where i use this decorator <meta name="decorator" content="atl.general" /> to get the standard header. In the devlopmen enviroment anything i...
We're creating a series of weekly blogs that are published individually, but also collectively using 'Edit ‘Blog Posts & Pages’ Macro'. All the blogs have a Brightcove video in them...
On Confluence, I have been working on creating a tutorial section in our space while utilizing the child tabs function. Everytime I click any of the tabs, it auto scrolls down to the beginning ...
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