...he way. #fangirl 🥳 Celebrations and Business Talk After the reception, we were whisked away to the Bash Party, held right on the beach. Atlassian didn’t hold back—there w...
...estart them one by one by manually tunneling to the Linux nodes and using systemctl commands. We were trying to automate this process using bash scripting. We tried out the command ssh <u...
Everyone is excited about the Bash theme at Team '23 - Early 2000's! Ahhh, the turn of the the century... A new millennium... Such promise with the 20xx calendars replacing the boring old 1...
Who’s already heard about the Bash party theme? We’re obsessed with this idea! 🎉 Early 00's got us in the mood! 💃🕺🏻 We created our pre-party playlist, but somehow it’s all connected with our a...
Hi All, Trying to use the following script to download attachment by using specific jql query. The query works using jira on the cloud, but not through the script. It only works if i minimize the...
I'm trying to upload a zip file present in the Azure pipeline VM to Confluence page retrieving the file name out="$(basename $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip)" echo $out Upload command ...
Hi, The opsgenie-lamp cli tool has output which is very hard to use for automation. For example the output below would require a lot of parsing to become usable: % lamp getIncidentList --query "...
...taging.site.co.uk/site-live/ git fetch origin git reset HEAD origin/staging git pull origin staging The live deployment script: cd /home/user/public_html/ git fetch origin git reset HEAD origin/m...
As of 6/21/2021 git fetch and git push from a bash terminal (the git scm bash terminal) just sit there forever and never return. They worked fine prior to 6/21/2021. They work ok from a gui l...
Check the following code : image: name: vmu/salesforcedockerimg pipelines: branches: uat: ...
Hi, i take some issue. Exactly, i need to import some .sh file to my pipeline script for using function from this file later, maybe, it's like YAML anchors, but in another file. And it should...
Hello, I am new to Jira and it is not my core competency. I am just trying to create BASH script, This script will read a text file with jira issues, complete the non jira task and update the jira i...
Hi Team, I want to clone my all repository by using bash. I have tried all the links but didn't succeed. for reference https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-questions/B...
Hi all, Running on Bamboo 6.10.4 build 61009 - 21 Nov 19. I have a bamboo build plan that gets some stuff from GIT as a first task, then starts this inline bash script t...
After creating a bash script to pull updates, it is unable to do so, giving me the error in the title. I use the same username I enter manually (which works, just not in the script). Here is the s...
When I run job with task in docker it fails with 8 time="2019-07-02T11:28:18Z" level=fatal msg="Error: Path not specified" 02-Jul-2019 11:28:18 Exit code: 1, output: STDOUT: Beginning to exec...
I want to use REST api with curl and reset current login failed attempt to 0 when it turns to non zero digit..i am new to REST api can anybody help me with this.
Hi everyone, a few years ago I made a bash script to clone all the repositories I have on my Bitbucket team and keep them updated. As suggested in several posts on this community and blogs I get t...
...roplet URI) devploy-develop.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash cd projectFolder git pull docker stop projectContainer docker rm projectContainer docker tag docker build --build-arg enviroment=d...
Hello I've been trying to clone a new private repo I set up using the normal format below git clone https://{username}@bitbucket.org/{username}/my_repo.git I keep getting the same error: remote: ...
This only started happening recently, but its really annoying and I can't work out how to stop it. When I use the terminal window launched from Sourcetree to run a git-fetch and git-checkout I...
I want to update my yml file to ignore commits from certain users. Is this possible? Is there a similar solution? Ideally I wouldn't even want to trigger the build in the first place. Pseudo code ex...
...0status%20!%3D%20Closed%20OR%20Identifier%20~%20%22XYZ1*%22%20AND%20status%20!%3D%20Closed%20OR%20comment%20~%20%22XYZ1*%22%20AND%20status%20!%3D%20Closed My curl in script: #!/bin/bash curl -X G...
#BASH CODE #!/bin/bash jira_user="ID" jira_pw="PASS!" jira_server="jira.test.com" jira_key="SECURITY-2480" assignee="yccheon" curl -D- -u "$jira_user":"$jira_pw" -X PUT -H "Content-Type: a...
Good morning I am using JIRA in my company. I've been using JIRA to find out that there is an API and I'm testing it. I tested using bash to automatically generate JIRA, and I was successful &n...
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