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×Hi, i've just got Xray and Xray Enterprise trial because i'd like to try and learn about Test Case Designer tool. I have basic knowledge about Xray and its issues, and it looks like Test Case Designe...
When I try to export test cases from Jira Xray getting header columns repeated for each test cases is there any way to avoid this, I am trying to create a format which should be same for import and e...
I am just a QA and went ahead to give a presentation on XRay after researching for a Test Management Tool. I have convinced my upper management to get XRay licenses but the next hard stop is, if we g...
Are disabled account getting counted or only active accounts for pricing calculation? Thanks.
Are disabled account getting counted or only active accounts for pricing calculation? Thanks.
Dear Team, we are exploring option for test management using Xray for our project here in our Company. want to know if there is any minimum requirement for subscription and what happens aft...
Is it possible to apply the plugin only to a group of users? In my account, only a few users work with test, so i wouldn't need to provide access to the other users.
Hi, Xray is great at reporting the current status of a test, I was wondering how people might be using Xray to report on Flaky tests? i.e. identify test cases that have failed in the last 10 t...
I want to export or import documents (Excel) into Xray and I would like to know how that can be achieved via xpand Secondly, is it part of the subscription or there is the need to pay for th...
Hello! Once we have the freedom to change the status of a test execution, I am trying to understand the following: 1. If this change can be limited to some Jira users or if anyone can change ...
Hello. I wrote a login test scenario in Jira. This scenario is also the pre-condition of a different test. I want to add the login test scenario I wrote as a precondition in a different test, but I c...
Hi, I looking for to build a evolution graph of my tests on confluence with "Chart form Table" macro. My tests are in XRAY. With the gadget "Tests Evolution" there are an option to show a char...
Hi Team, I just added a parameter to an existing Dataset in a test run and when I clicked on merge, it just reset all the iterations and removed the evidences, defects, actual result etc from the t...
Using Jira Cloud, with xRay Cloud, is it possible to search for a Text String within the Test Step Action (manual test types) or within the Gherkin Statement? Across multiple Tests? If I have 145 in...
I haven't found a way to export screenshots using Document Generator. It seems this only exports the image metadata Is there a way to gather all those screenshots and package it into a .zip ...
Is there a way to find or search for Xray tests that are not associated with a Test Plan? Any JSQL you can provide would be great!
Imagine I have a "Story" that has several "Tests" associated with it. Every "Test" has some "Test Executions". How can I find all these "Test Executions" by only using the id of the "Story" ...
Hello, I have a problem when importing a test case using xray test case importer, it's stuck on progress, resulting other user can't import their test case because there is error "a job to import te...
Hi, Does anyone know how to report an Xray problem? I'm trying to report using this URL: Log in - Service project (getxray.app) But since I'm having a problem with the login (I try to cre...
Team, We have a portal, where customers will visit and select the issue that they want to export the details of it. Once the customer selects the issue and submits the requests, automatically the s...
Hi I would like to get programmatically (groovy in a script runner scripted field) all the Test Environments available in the system, how do I do that? I tried with OptionManager to get the ...
I'm getting the following error when I import test cases to Xray. I don't have a label for the repository, so not sure why it's happening. It makes me think that importing to a repository is the defa...
Following the XRay documentation https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAYCLOUD/Global+Settings%3A+API+Keys, I understand the authentication is based on POST request made to https://xray.cloud....
We have recently started exploring Xray for our Test case Management. We have a total of 1K+ users on our Org JIRA, but we want the app to be utilised by only 50 QAs. Is there any way in which I can ...
Overall Test Results Gadget I am using the Overall Test Result Gadget in Jira Dashboard and Confluence. It always displays all possible Test Run Status above the Pie Chart and in table, even...
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