Hello, We are using Xray for Test Case Execution in a large-scale enterprise application. My query is if a particular test case has been run for multiple times due to several reasons l...
Before the latest release https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAYCLOUD/October+30%2C+2021+-+Major+Update+-+v1.1.62-3.000.000 when I applied the Feature level tag of explicit Test Execution issue the r...
Hi all users of Xray See this suggestion: https://jira.xpand-it.com/browse/XRAY-4687 I would like to make a promotion. If you use Xray I hope you have an idea how to use covering of requirement by...
When we're executing manual tests, sometimes mistakes are found in the steps. So we have to reopen the test, edit, request for review and finally get the test approved. When tests have more than 10 ...
X-ray is a great tool. However I have a request to make. There is a lot of emphasis in the tool's handling of tests. However, when we execute our Verification, we emphasize in what requirement...
As pointed out in this question, the requirement status is not calculated based on the test fix version. This creates problems when the requirement has a slightly different implementation in 2 d...
...reating test cases for other methods. Below is sample code: @BeforeSuite <-- want result of this in testng-results.xls, but don't want new test case to be created in JIRA--!> public void s...
I want import the test set and pre-conditions associated with the tests using Xray test case importer, I have more than 120 test set which contains multiple pre-conditions as...
XRAY- I want that when creating a defect from a test execution, only defect issue type should be available to the user.
XRAY- When creating a defect from a test execution, only defect issue type should be available
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