Hello, we are Running Confluence 7.6.0 with the Questions-Plugin 2.7.30 and we observed a strange behaviour when you open the form for a new question all tags for the popular topics are the ...
How can i export all existing Questions and answers?
Is there a tool that can be used to import the questions, answers and topics from a CSV file.
Hi, We have the following issue: When asking a question in a space with an attached image to the question. - If the user is logged in, the text and the image of the question are visible -...
Hi, we had a publicly viewable Q&A space for our project (signup only required for posting). However, after all the confluence changes, Questions are not viewable by anonymous any more a...
I want to create Traing Events that I can publish to my business unit and then allow them to go in and request that training for the specific day. (EG: Agile 101 classes each Thursday at noon-5...
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