I am not able to open JIRA Projects
As I deleted admin access in Jira account I want to reset my Jira account and I am not able to open my own Jira account
Hi Team, I am unable to login Jira and showing the below error message. Could you please look into this issue. Regards, Bala
There appears to be several of me here. I am @PD Sheehan I can also login to @PD Sheehan (tied to my personal email). I just renamed this (used to also be Peter-Dave Sheehan) t...
Getting this issue with a username and password using Rest API in JiraAPi version 2. Anybody, please help ASAP. Thanks :)
Hi I m unable to login to jira . While login it is given error . screen shot is also attched.
We can't create this issue for you right now, it could be due to unsupported content you've entered into one or more of the issue fields. If this situation persists, contact your administrator as the...
Since Atlassian is an aussie Company, they have to follow the local laws. The australian Assistance and access bill forces Australian Tech companies to implement access to their Products - Wit...
Hi I posted some suggestions to a question https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/JQL-to-fetch-if-an-issue-was-completed-closed-between-the/qaq-p/918912 But i’m not seeing them show up ...
I am trying to change a password for my jira account in postgresql databse. I followed this procedure https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira/retrieving-the-jira-administrator-192836.html but cou...
I noticed I didn't get emails (or notifications in my feed) for two replies to my answer here. I figured I'd start a new thread because I know there are some intermittent issues with email dela...
Hi Team As we have setp JIRA and Conluence in cloud we need to take the backup from scratch. Please assist us in detail about backing up the JIRA and Confluence.
I've noticed some folks (maybe because they have multiple Atlassian IDs) have more than one profile in Community. See example Jamie Echlin: Profile with "Partner Champion" badge Profile where mos...
I seem to be unable to delete my own content, or am I missing something? Given I can always edit it down to a dummy placeholder, why can't I just delete it instead, at least as long as there ...
I would like to change my Atlassian Answers password, but there appears to be no way to do so from my user page. Since there doesn't seem to be a Atlassian Answers Meta (I use Stack Exchange sites ...
We're in the process of designing a new feature to allow for bounties to be offered for certain questions. The idea is that you could use some of your accumulated karma to add value to a particular q...
I've had to create a new account because I've moved companies and now I've lost all my karma!!! What's the point of answering questions if you can't change your email address as you move?
I turned off getting email notifications for most subscriptions, but I still get emails about questions I haven't been involved in.
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