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Show multiple projects in one dashboard

Eric Schultz September 6, 2018

Good afternoon,

I would like to show the To Do list from multiple boards (projects) in one place so I can see everything that needs to be done, and add things as I think of them, without having to hop back and forth from one board to another.

Like a To-do list dashboard.

Is there a way to do that?


3 answers

0 votes
Qasim August 12, 2019

Hi @Eric Schultz


Creating a Master Board may be the solution you're after. It's a great way to get a birds-eye view of all the tasks on your to-do list. We've created a resource that will lead you (step-by-step) in achieving this. 


How to Create a Master Board in Trello:

I hope you've found this useful. Please let me know if there are any other questions you have!




0 votes
Eric Schultz September 7, 2018

This question for Jira sounds similar to what I'm after in Trello, is it possible?

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Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
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September 6, 2018

Card duplication across multiple boards is not a stock feature of Trello. Not sure if it's on the roadmap or not (because it would be super handy), but there are third-party applications available for this purpose. 

Trello published a great article on card mirroring that you may find beneficial:

Placker is my pick out of the bunch for simplicity of use, but personally use Zapier.

Eric Schultz September 7, 2018

Good morning,

Thanks for the suggestions.

Card duplication or mirroring or sync isn't really what I'm after.

I have two objectives that I figure could be solved with one solution:

  1. See everything I have to do next so I can easily decide which project gets my attention next; and
  2. While working on another project quickly add an item to a different project so I don't forget about it and I can work on it later.

If I had a dashboard with all my To Do lists, still in separate lists but on the same page, then I could do both.

I know I would still need to go into each project and move the cards around and stuff; but at least I could get an overview, make decisions quickly, and items more efficiently.

If Trello doesn't do this is there any other product that does? I thought I saw a board-like tool that had all the projects in horizontal swim lanes. I can't remember which one that was though.

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