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JIRA Service Desk automating Approvals

Karoleigh Miller August 22, 2018


Request is entered by a customer that has authorization to also approve the request. They select themselves as the approver from the approvers drop down.



Is there a way to automatically Approve a request where the requestor and approver are the same person moving it through the workflow to the next step?

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Raynard Rhodes
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 22, 2018

You can place all those who have the ability to approve certain requests in a group and then set the automation to transition if they're a part of the group. 

Using built-in automation of JSD


WHEN: Issue Created

IF: ISSUE MATCHES: reporter in membersOf("Supervisor-Group") AND issuetype = "Account Activation"


           TRANSITION ISSUE: Approval Transition



Karoleigh Miller August 22, 2018

Thanks everyone, there was a condition on my workflow blocking moving to my approved status..i removed that and seems to be working!

Admin _RKI January 7, 2022

Our approvers are dynamically pulled from Insight. Presumably there is no current solution for this?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 22, 2018

I think in that case you could configure a second transition within that workflow that has the condition that it is only visible to users in a certain group. So if all the customers that are authorized to approve requests are in this group, then they can directly transition that issue to the next workflow step without having to select an approver.

Karoleigh Miller August 22, 2018

If the request is created and automatically moves to awaiting approval transition...where do i add this condition and trigger?

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Filiph Petzäll February 3, 2021

Hi! We've used this solution for quite some time, but all of a sudden it stopped working and i cannot see why. Can someone just confirm this is still working for you?

I also tried to set 
IF reporter in (currentUser()) AND Approver in (currentUser())
But with the same result, it simply will not auto-approve.

EDIT: We have not made any changes to the group lately and have not updated Jira since it last worked

natalia.daraszkiewicz April 7, 2022

I think currentUser() during automation is something like Jira Automation user. Jira automation is not executed as a user who creates the ticket.

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